Chapter 58- Secrets

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TW: Panic Attack, Slight Violence I Guess (?), Mentions of Sex, Anxiety

Virgil woke up to a staticky feeling crawling up his arms. He scrunched his nose up with an annoyed groan as he shook out his arms, still half-asleep, only for the feeling to get worse. He groaned again and opened one of his eyes lazily to look at one of his arms only to freeze, breath catching in his throat as he shot upright in his bed. With both eyes now open, and arms held out in front of him, Virgil had a clear view of the dark vine-like lines crawling out from his fingers and extending up to his elbow.

Virgil hadn't even realized he had screamed until Quintin had all but broken the door down in his attempts to get in only for Virgil to automatically shoot a hand out at him and force him out of the room, the door slammed shut, and with a loud click, the lock fell into place.

"Prince Virgil!" Quintin yelled, "Prince Virgil are you alright?!"

Virgil hastily knocked the pattern for yes as he jumped off the bed with panicked breath. 

"Then open this door!" Quintin yelled.

"Nnnooo" Virgil managed to force out, he was tearing apart his wardrobe for something to use to hide his arms and hands.

There was a tense silence for a moment, "I'm getting Logan." Quintin eventually said. Virgil tried to speak again, tried to get another word out, but it was no use, his voice wasn't letting him and even if it was Quintin was already gone. 

"Virgil," Logan said through the door a few minutes later, Virgil was still throwing things around in an effort to find something that could help. He said nothing, "Virgil, open this door, please. Whatever it is that is bothering you, I can help, just open this door." Virgil didn't open the door.

With panic flowing through every inch of his body Virgil managed to finally dig out a pair of long wool socks. The door was rattling as Logan tried to use a spell to get it open and, not seeing any other option, he pulled them up to his arms, stopping just short of his elbow, and grabbed a coat off the chair he had thrown it some night prior. 

Just as his arms were both fully covered, the door flew open. Virgil yelped as he took the biggest, heaviest, fluffiest pillow off his bed and threw it into Logan's face as hard as he could. He felt slightly bad as Logan's glasses came off and fell to the ground but he continued to move, dodging out of Quintin's way, stealing Franklin's sword, and booking it down the hall as fast as he could.

He could hear yelling behind him, and Quintin shoving Logan into a room but didn't dare look back. He already knew that everyone had automatically assumed he was trying to escape, which he wasn't. That'd be a stupid idea considering he had no plan in place. No, Virgil wasn't trying to escape. He just knew that he really needed to get to Markus and Ira and he couldn't let anyone else know what was wrong with him. His Grandfather may be turning a blind eye to Ira's use of forbidden magic, and others might be as well, but doubted that he'd still be safe once certain people saw the black lines on his arms.

Virgil made it to his Grandfather's study fairly quickly and he didn't even bother to knock as he forced the door open before slamming it behind him. His grandfather, jumped to his feet in an instant, "Virgil! What is the meaning of-" Virgil threw the sword to the ground, interrupting his grandfather as it hit the floor with a loud cruel Clang!

Markus froze as Virgil turned to him, he was the first that morning to see the absolute panic and fear in Virgil's eyes. Virgil looked to his Grandfather and had just enough left in him to roll the sleeves of his coat up and pull off the socks before he collapsed to the floor as if he had suddenly melted. Markus stared at the vine-like lines for a moment before swiftly moving into action.

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