Chapter 50- Angry

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TW: Yelling, Arguing (Janus and Roman aren't getting along, lol), People Want Virgil to Talk and Virgil Does Not Want to Talk, Anxiety, 

"Why would you do that?" Roman demanded stomping towards Janus, "You threw Logan to the wolves, why would you do that?"

"I wasn't going to allow my brother to get hurt."

"Oh, but you'll let Logan get hurt? You realize it doesn't matter, right? Tafe hurt Ann before, he'll do it again."

Janus glared "I don't care about Logan, I care about keeping those I do care about."

Roman moved to lunge and Janus flinched backward, preparing himself for the attack, only for Remus to come between them, "Roman stop, calm down. Logan will be fine, I promise, but you need to calm down. And Janus,"  Remus turned to him, "Roman and Logan are really close, kinda like Virgil and Remy except they're not dating." Roman cleared his throat and Remus looked back at him, the look his twin gave him told him the truth, "Oh. They are dating, finally grew a pair I see."

"Shut up," Roman said, turning slightly red, the words held no actual meaning. He looked at Janus, "Why'd you just sacrifice Logan like that? Ann wouldn't have wanted that-"

"Don't talk to me about what my brother wants. Ann is self-sacrificing. He doesn't understand that being selfish is okay at times. I did what I thought was best."

"Yeah well you thought wrong," Roman told him, he opened his mouth to say something but else but simply shook his head and turned to move towards Patton. Patton opened his arms out for Roman who immediately fell into them, accepting the friendly hug. 

Remus and Janus looked towards each other and Remus smiled a little with embarrassment and nervousness, "He's very protective. He wasn't always like this, I promise."

"You haven't spoken to him in two years Remus, he could have changed." Remus shrugged a bit in response, he was well aware of this already. Janus sighed slightly, leaning back against the bars of the cell before motioning to Roman and Patton, "Go get caught up, I know you want to."

"You're not gonna be mad?"

"No, of course not. You haven't seen them in years, go talk to them. It's not like I'm going anywhere."

Remus smiled, "Thanks Jannie. We can try introducing you guys again in a bit, I think Ro just needs a minute." Janus simply nodded and Remus went to go talk to their new cellmates. 


Logan finally managed to free himself from the hold of the soldier and grabbed his glasses out of the man's hands. The soldier moved to grab him again but Tafe shook his head and it was a clear enough sign to not bother with it. Logan huffed angrily as he approached his uncle, and helped Virgil escape him as well. Once again, Tafe did not bother to have anybody grab them, simply motioning for the two young boys to continue walking or else.

Virgil hung tightly to Logan's arm, breathing ragged and tears in his eyes. He was shaking slightly, thinking it was because of the chill of the old castle, Logan removed his coat and handed it to the prince. By now, Tafe had taken back the cloak they had stolen from him and Virgil had been left with nothing but the thin and oversized shirt. Despite the shaking not having been from the cold, Virgil accepted the coat, wrapping it tightly around himself and burying everything except his face into it, he did not stop shaking.

"You're alright Virgil," Logan assured gently, rubbing circles into the other's back, "He hasn't hurt you, you're alright."

Virgil opened his mouth slightly to speak, sounds left but no actual words. He was trying hard to say something, he was, but eventually, he just whimpered and gave up with a shake of his head. "There's no need to force yourself to speak or even communicate at all. Only do so if you're comfortable. If you'd rather sign, or even write, then do so." Logan reached into Virgil's bag, which still hung from his shoulder, and pulled Virgil's pad and pencil out, holding it out towards him, but Virgil shook his head and Logan put it back.

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