Chapter 53- Magic

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TW: Ira, Humiliation, getting Called Out (Basically Ira humiliates/calls Logan and partially Virgil out in front of a bunch of people), Mentions of Swords, Mentions of Attacks, (Just explaining what Tafe did/tried to do after learning Logan was dating Roman. Nothing explicit), mentions of Ableism 

"I'm sorry. I'm so so so sorry,"  Logan whispered as he sat in front of the cell, hand reaching through the bars and cradling Roman's face.

Roman shook his head with a small smile, "Logan, I'm fine, I promise."

"He nearly killed you!" Logan whispered harshly.

"He tried to kill me. There's a difference. And I'm fine." Roman told him again, he gestured to Janus and his brother across the hall from him, "Look around Lo, they could have done worse. I'm fine, I promise."

A few minutes ago Tafe had come charging into the prison with several guards following behind him. The general had forced Roman out of the cell and locked the door again, trapping everyone else inside the cell so they couldn't stop him. Logan and Virgil had finally caught up by then and Tafe commanded the soldiers to hold the two back while he drew his sword and attacked Roman who managed to dodge for a bit of time. Logan and Virgil had managed to escape the guards and divert Tafe's and his guards' attention just long enough for Ira and Markus to enter the room and convince the general not to kill Roman. The prince had been forced into a cell across from the others and Tafe, along with Markus, Ira, and nearly all the guards left again. 

Now, the only ones left in the room other than those in cells were Logan, Virgil, and the two guards that had been assigned to keep the two from 'doing something stupid'. Virgil was currently sitting with the others and trying to help Janus calm a very upset Remus and Patton. This gave Logan and Roman a moment to be alone, well, as alone as was possible given their situation. 

Logan had already explained why his uncle had been driven to nearly kill the prince. To be honest, Roman wasn't too upset. He was to busy being so happy and proud because for one, Logan had just come out to his very homophobic uncle despite knowing their would most definitely be consequences, and that took a lot of bravery. And for two, Logan had confessed to loving him and wanting to be with him contradicting everything he had said to Janus just a few hours ago. Though there were a few doubts that still lingered, of course.

"How are you?" Roman asked, taking hold of Logan's hand between the bars and squeezing it repeatedly as if massaging it.

Logan looked confused for a moment and quickly examined himself for injuries, "I'm fine," he said when he found none.

Roman shook his head, "I mean, how are you emotionally."

"Oh..." Logan muttered in realization before he gave a small shrug, "I don't know. I'm not good with emotion."

"That's okay, you don't have to be." Roman said with a small smile, "How's Ann?"

Logan looked back to the youngest boy, "He's... scared. That's what he says, but he's being very brave," Logan turned back to Roman, "like you I suppose, you're very brave. You did not panic when he attacked you, if it had been me in your shoes I could not say I would have done the same."

Roman tried not to frown, right,  brave.... the truth of the matter was that Roman was absolutely terrified right now. He had been for a while now. But he wasn't allowed to show that right now, was he? Roman had no excuse to be afraid, unlike everyone else. He was supposed to be brave, never fearful. He was supposed to be strong, never weak. He wasn't supposed to be scared or frightened, or nervous... was he?

The prince summoned the best fake smile he could, "Why would I panic when I knew you were there, trying to protect me?"

"That was mostly Virgil," Logan admitted shyly, "He was the one who was able to escape the guards first, he had to help me."

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