Chapter 55- Grandfathers

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Virgil sighed as he waited outside Markus's study. His grandfather wanted a word with him. The prince had a feeling this was due to him skipping Ira's class again, but one could never be sure when every single thing you do is questioned and could get you yelled at. Quintin was standing a few feet away, watching Virgil like a hawk. The guard hadn't appreciated Virgil's latest disappearing act (one he had done without Logan this time) and didn't seem all too ready to let Virgil give the trick another go.

He walked across the hall to the other wall to take a look out the window. From here he had a decent enough view of some of the soldiers and guards going about their training. Logan had now been roped into this as well. Something had seemed to trigger Tafe to get upset about how Logan couldn't use a sword, or an ax, or a mace, or literally any weapon other than his magic. So, now the poor wizard was forced to endure several hours of 'training' to get him caught up to where Virgil was. 

Neither of Virgil or Logan thought this would be possible considering just how long Virgil had been training compared to Logan and just how bad Logan was at... whatever he was doing. Virgil watched his friend get shoved to the ground by the end of another's wooden sword and get up tiredly before being forced to start again.

"You got it, Logan!" A voice shouted from afar and above, no doubt Roman too had been spying on the other wizards training from the small window in his prison. Virgil was honestly surprised Tafe had let the soldiers train there, to be honest, or maybe it was to deter them or something like that.

"Yeah!" Remus's voice came, that was a little more surprising. "Kick his ass!" Virgil couldn't help but smile slightly, he swore he could hear Patton telling Remus off for swearing, "-No wait not literally!" Remus shouted.

He laughed again as he watched Logan panic slightly as the guard who had been working with him yelled at him and pointed up at where the prison tower was before pointing somewhere else. Logan seemed to groan as he dropped his sword and started to run laps around the castle, Franklin following. But neither Virgil nor the princes in the tower above missed the teasing remark he signed to the Light Realm princes (Roman in particular) who had gotten him in trouble.

"Virgil," Markus's voice said from behind him, Virgil frowned again. He hadn't even noticed the study door opening, and he turned to face his grandfather who gestured for him to enter the room.

He did as he was told, falling back into one of the chairs sitting in front of the dark wooden desk. He glanced around the room, he hadn't been in here to much yet. Whenever his grandfather wanted to 'catch up' he usually had to sit with him in one of the lounges or go on a walk with him or something. (Another sign that this would not be a 'light-hearted' conversation). 

The office was decently sized, several bookcases lined the walls, the shelves of which were filled with books so old they seemed to be rotting and trinkets that Virgil personally found stupid. A few paintings had been hung up as well, again, they were either stupid or old or both. The desk had a stack of papers sitting on it neatly, which Markus was now putting away just as neatly into one of his desk drawers. So that's where Janus got his neat freakiness from (because heaven knows he didn't get it from their father or mother) maybe that's something to keep to himself, Janus probably wouldn't appreciate Virgil telling him about all the traits he'd gained from their kidnapper/grandfather. 

However, the item that caught his eye the best was how his sword hung above the window. He sat up straight and at the edge of his seat at the sight of it, and stared at it for a moment. "What's wrong with you?" Markus asked with an almost amused smile. Virgil pointed to his sword, "Oh, do you like it there? I wanted it in the throne room, but Kieran threw a fit, so here it is."

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