Chapter 38- Spirits

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Tw: None

Wow, no trigger warnings. And considering there's not really much fluff here either, it's kind of surprising... anyway, Have fun!

"He is a child! A child yet he has escaped all of them! Is it really so hard, to capture him and keep him captured?"  The voice yelled. It still rang familiar to Virgil but no matter how hard he tried he was never able to place it, and his visions have yet to show him a face to pair with it.

"It's been years since you've last interacted with the boy," another voice spoke, this time paired with the face of Ira. She looked different now than she did four years ago. Her hair black hair was beginning to gray and turn wirey. She was short, or more likely Virgil had just grown since he had seen her. Black lines occasionally appeared on her skin, showing how her use of dark magic had begun to affect her. Her eyes were narrow and pointed, as was her nose. She was standing with a straight back and her head was held high, giving an heir of superiority. "Perhaps it is you who is underestimating him."

"Whether I underestimate him or not shouldn't change that we have sent soldiers, witches, and assassins after him yet he keeps escaping them." The man turned to Ira, his face still hidden, towering over he menacingly. Ira did not seem phased. "You promised your students would deliver him Ira, yet he is not here and I am growing impatient."

"Excuse me for saying so, but if I recall my students had Prince Virgil in their custody the longest. Therefore, I have been closest to delivering him to you."

The man growled at Ira, "I need one of the princes to be on my side. Virgil is our only hope at succeeding at this." 

"Perhaps send Kieran after him?" Ira suggested

"That incompetent buffoon? If he couldn't kill the light realm Prince Remus, then I don't think I can trust him to retrieve me someone who all else have failed at."

"Well, perhaps if Kieran uses a tactic that seems to be, at least partly, working here, then Virgil might be more willing to work with us."

The man with the familiar voice hummed in thought, turning away from Ira and walking towards a window, "Use someone he cares for, you mean?"

Ira grinned evilly, "Precisely. He's traveling in a group, if he's anything like his brother Virgil will behave once others' lives are put in danger. And if not, well I've never known Kieran to one who repeats mistakes, his or someone else's. I'm sure he could figure something out to keep Virgil from running."

"Yes, perhaps you're right," The man said as he turned towards the door, "Send word to Kieran then. I'm going to have another word with Janus." 

He paused for a moment at the entryway, "Oh, and keep in mind Ira. I'm not the only one who needs Virgil alive. You said it yourself, Virgil may not know how to wield his magic, but he has plenty of it. If you want to bring your son back, you and I both know Virgil is your best chance of it being done properly. Especially now that Janus's hands may be nearing beyond repair."

Ira glared at the man in front of her as she gritted her teeth tightly to speak "He's the reason my son is dead if you expect mercy from me-"

"He's the only way your son can come back, besides, wouldn't it be fun?" He was smiling, he could see his smile but nothing else. He needs to see his face. "Teaching Virgil a magic his mother despised? If his mother were here to see it, could you imagine how much pain it would put her through" The look on Ira's face confirmed that she liked that idea, "I thought so. Then, you'll do as I say and keep him alive. Understood?"

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