Chapter 47- Impulsivity

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TW: Injuries, Passing Out, Logan Blaming Himself For Virgil Getting Hurt, Implie Harming of Others

When morning came the four were once again riding out on the three horses Patton had managed to nab. Roman was once again holding a sleeping Virgil, cloak still hiding him from view. It hadn't been surprising that the little medical care they had provided Virgil hadn't been very helpful, what was surprising was that even Logan's healing spells hadn't worked all too well. Roman suggested making the healing salve that Virgil had used after the dragon, it had worked wonders on Logan and Patton after all. Logan said he'd think about it, mixing spells and potions wasn't often a good idea but he would perform another healing spell later on.

Some of the Dark Realm prince's cuts were gone thanks to Logan, most of them had scabbed over. Logan said the real problem was probably blood loss and (judging by the bumps and bruises on Virgil's face and skull) head trauma. Maybe even the potion he had been given if it was strong enough. Either way, the prince was asleep again and the three had decided it was good for him to be resting.

The three had just left the last town and were now riding through the large expanse of empty field and towards the menacingly dark forest ahead. While they were in town they had stocked up as many supplies as they had been able to, including buying a few Dark Realm cloaks to hide them if they ran into any more trouble and more medicinal supplies. 

Roman had already sent a letter with proof to his parents via Bird Mail to inform them of Tafe and his treasonous band of soldiers. And Logan had explained to Virgil, while he was awake of course, his relationship with his uncle, as well as the death of his father and brother. The younger prince had been surprised, but not angry or anything. He told Logan he was really happy he and his uncle were nothing alike.

Virgil stirred in Roman's arms as he began to wake again. The other prince glanced down at Virgil before slowing down slightly, Virgil was thankful for this. The fast-riding made his head spin. "Hey there, Charlie Frown," Roman said with a small smile, "how are you feeling?"

Virgil used his fingers to trace letters on Roman's  skin again, his fingers still not fully healed, 'L-i-k-e S-h-i-t'

Roman hummed a laugh, "careful, you don't wanna upset Patton."


"You want me to get them?"

'R-i-d-e w-i-t-h'

"Okay. Are you done sleeping then?" Virgil nodded, "is it the touching thing? You're fine with Pat right?" Another nod. Roman signaled towards Patton and Logan.
"This is a good time to stop for lunch anyway," Patton declared as they and Logan helped Roman get Virgil down. Virgil didn't seem too happy about that, eating sounded disgusting right now and he really wanted to keep moving, maybe he shouldn't have said anything. Patton frowned at Virgil's subtle reaction, "Just a little, okay?" 

Virgil nodded, albeit a bit reluctantly, and moved to help with whatever he could. In the middle of this, while he was helping Roman prepare the food, Logan pulled him aside to perform another healing spell. Sitting the younger prince down on a rock, "How are you feeling?" he asked as he helped Virgil worm his way out of his shirt so Logan could reach the sliced skin.

Virgil dragged his finger across his neck to mime his answer and Logan hummed in response as he carefully took Virgil's hand first so he could attempt to heal his fingers again, "That is not good," Logan stated before pausing for a moment, "I apologize."

Virgil had a feeling Logan wasn't saying that in the way people apologize when something bad happens, he actually felt at fault, 'W-H-Y?' Virgil traced with a look of confusion. 

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