Chapter 57- Memorial

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TW: Memorial/Funeral (?), Public Speaking, Crowds, Threats of Harming Others, Implied Homophobia,

Virgil fidgeted uneasily with the suit he had been forced into. 

The prince had never really been someone who cared too much about clothes. He liked darker colors and long sleeves. Those were about his only two conditions. Back home, this had made the life of the royal seamstress very easy. When it came to him at least, Janus was a lot pickier about what he wore, from color to material, to cut he always had an opinion. Virgil could care less. Really, the only way he could annoy Vannessa (the seamstress) was if he wore his boyfriend's clothes which were always two sizes too big, and most likely smelled of coffee or potion residue.

So it came as a bit of a surprise to him when the servants had brought in the suit that had been chosen for the memorial and in an instant, he had decided he hated everything about it. 

The suit was black, of course, but made out of a thick, heavy, and itchy material. It was too tight around the chest and armpits and the sleeves were too short. The style and cut was severely out of date by at least thirty or forty years and had an odd collar... thing... that stood up to his ears, which he had promptly taken pair of scissors too. He had done the same to the frilly cuffs of the pants and the sleeves of the shirt beneath the overcoat. (This had made the man who had sewn the clothes very unhappy and Virgil had enjoyed watching the man throw a temper tantrum while yelling what he assumed were french absentees at him.)

Now, he sat in the pews of a church-like room waiting for the memorial to start. His grandfather was talking to Ira and some of the guards. Tafe had dragged Logan to go talk to one of the random families that would become nobles if all this succeeded. Considering the fact that the conversation had now turned into an argument between Uncle and Nephew about Logan's love life Virgil had assumed that Tafe had tried to set something up between one of the daughters in the family and Logan. Quintin and Franklin had been given a few hours off, a much-needed break considering the two wizards had not made their jobs easy at all.

Virgil stared down at the mask he had been given with sadness as he kicked his legs back and forth as though he were a child again. When two people sat down on either side of him, he jumped slightly and his hand moved to where his sword would be if he had been allowed to have it on him. 

"Whoah! Still, got some fight in you, Virgie? I see our lessons paid off well," Remus said with a grin as the youngest prince realized who the two were that had sat next to him. Virgil's eyes widened with happiness and surprise as he turned to look at his brother and then around the room. In the last five minutes, at least ten extra guards were now in the room, three of them sitting two pews behind them and all of them with their eyes glued to the three princes.

 Virgil just about squealed with happiness as he pretty much tackled Janus into a hug. Janus laughed as he returned the hug before Virgil turned away and did the same to Remus who took the opportunity to give an unsuspecting Virgil a nuggie. 

Virgil hadn't really been expecting Markus to follow through with his end of the deal. He had thought it'd be one of those things that 'parents' promise but never ends up happening and sooner or later it turns into an argument. He had thought it'd be another round of empty promises that were never completed and before long had fallen away into nothingness

'Missed you so much,' Virgil signed.

"You and Logan visit pretty much every day," Janus teased

Virgil shook his head 'Not the same. Can't hang out for real when it's like that,' Janus and Remus both nodded knowingly and with understanding.

Janus leaned back and rested his head on his brothers shoulder, Remus did the same, sandwiching Virgil in between them. "You made a deal with Markus didn't you?" Janus asked after a moment, his eyes closed as he tried to relax. Virgil nodded hesitantly and both the older princes furrowed their brows with dislike. "Virgil," Janus said, Virgil hummed, "Don't make deals that involve me or my boyfriend without my-"

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