Chapter 44- Tafe Pt 1/2

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TW: Abilism, Racism, Threats, Restraining Someone, Mentions of Death, Again Virgil Can't Sign, Treason, Coups, Mentions of Murder.

They weren't walking for very long when they came across a campground. Maybe twenty minutes or so, regardless, how it was set up told Virgil they had been here for longer than a day. They must've used a portal to get this far, meaning that there had to be at least two or three magic users working with Tafe. Portals were too difficult of a spell for someone to perform on their own, they often required multiple people.

There were six large tents set up and more than double that many fires. Horses were being groomed and fed in one area, food was being cooked in another. Half the soldiers were laughing and joking around, obviously on their break. The other half of the soldiers had primarily been in the group Tafe had been traveling with, the few working soldiers that weren't in the group were running around taking orders from whoever Tafe must have left in charge during his absence.

The group stopped moving and Tafe began shouting orders at everyone while Logan, Roman, and Patton tried to make their way over to Virgil. "Ann!" Patton said worriedly as he rushed over to him and began to look him over for injuries.

"Excuse me, Marques Patton please step away from the-"

"If you call him a prisoner I will see to it that my father makes you a prisoner," Patton threatened as he gently but firmly pulled Virgil out of the soldiers' grasp and a few paces away, enough of a distance that they could speak privately but hopefully wouldn't get in trouble for it, before letting go of him again. "It's gonna be okay kiddo, we'll figure this out alright?"

Roman nodded with determined agreement, "Patton's right, I'll write a letter to my parents and this will all be fixed."

"No, that won't help!" Patton told him.

"Why wouldn't it?" Logan asked, "Roman's parents are the ones that made the order, they should be able to put a, so to say, recall on it as well."

Patton shook his head vehemently "No, because-"

Before Patton could finish Tafe was approaching them, a small group of soldiers trailing behind him. "I thought I told you three to keep away from him," he growled angrily as he grabbed Virgil's arm and pulled him away. 

"We were just talking to him," Roman muttered.

General Tafe turned to him, "Your highness, please understand. This is for your own good. Prince Virgil and his uncle have betrayed the truce. They have deceived you-"

"Wrong! Ann hates lying!" Patton said angrily.

"His own brother is named after the very act," General Tafe argued, "Now, Marquess Patton please step back."

"I won't! Virgil is not dangerous!"

Tafe barked an order and two of the soldiers stepped out of the group towards Patton. Virgil's eyes widened with concern as he tried to pull away from Tafe and protect his friend, almost immediately the general harshly yanked Virgil back to his side. Roman quickly put an arm in front of Patton and Logan pulled them both back. 

"You three are going to be escorted to a tent, you will remain there until I say otherwise. If you try to leave, you will be stopped. Please boys, for your safety, stay in the tent."

"Thats fine, just let Virgil remain with us," Logan requested, "We won't speak to him if that's really what bothers you but let us-"

"Enough Logan, I will be keeping an eye on Prince Virgil myself. I don't trust him not to try to hurt someone or attempt to escape, nor do I trust my regiment with guarding him."

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