Chapter 42- Goodbyes

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TW: Remy threatens to kill Logan, Remy explains what it means to be a suitor to Logan 😉.

This chapter is going to be short because something big is going to happen next chapter and for the life of me I couldn't think of anything to fill up this chapter. So Sorry.

"Virgil," Logan said through the wooden door, "Are you awake yet?"

"it's unlocked," Remy's voice said, "You can come in babes"

Logan waited for a moment, slightly confused by the nickname before he opened the door and took a step in. The room was small, with a single bed pushed against one corner and a desk at the opposite wall. Virgil lay fast asleep in the bed, showing no signs of waking up anytime soon. Remy was sitting on the floor in a small nest of blankets and pillows, leaning back against the wall behind him. "Good morning Remy," Logan greeted, "I'm sorry if I woke you, I was told to retrieve Prince Virgil so we could discuss the plan for today's travels."

Remy didn't seem impressed, "V's sleeping at the moment."

"Yes, I can see that, however, if we leave too la-"

"Give him some more time, he needs it more than you know. I'll wake him up when I'm done with you."


"Did you kiss my boyfriend? Without asking him first?" Remy asked him, anger and protectiveness slipping into his voice.

Logan fumbled for an answer for a moment, "I did not mean to upset him when I did that- or- I didn't know about you and-"

"And because you thought he was single, you thought kissing him was a good idea?"

"Not- not particularly," Logan admitted, "I'm not very good with people, or emotions, or... words."

"And that gives you an excuse to kiss my boyfriend?" Remy asked him incredulously.

"It doesn't excuse anything."

"Glad you understand that. Do something like that again though, and I'll drop-kick you into a volcano faster than you can call for your precious little prince to come save you."

Logan nodded with bits of nervousness, he didn't doubt that "I won't be doing anything of the like ever again. My mistake with Virgil has taught me consent is very important no matter the action. I do not repeat mistakes, that would make me stupid."

"Nah, it'd make you human," Remy corrected, "Just don't repeat this mistake, or it'll make you dead."

Logan cleared his throat and there was silence between them for a minute. Virgil shifted in the bed and Remy turned to look at him with a soft smile, "Why were you sleeping on the ground?" Logan asked.

Remy shrugged, "Just cause V's dad is gone doesn't mean I'm gonna risk his ass haunting me if I disobey him. Ghosts are hard enough to deal with on their own, I don't need my future in law doing that."

Logan frowned, he wasn't getting the message, "I don't understand, what does Virgil's father have to do with you sleeping on the ground."

Remy gave him a raised eyebrow, "Oh, yeah. You just started dating Roman huh?" Logan nodded, "You're a suitor now Logan, once you get back to the Light Realm you and Roman are gonna have to start acting like it. No sleeping in the same bed, no unaccompanied dates for a long time, lots of family dinners, lots of dances, a bunch of other rules that tend to make dating really hard."

"Virgil says Janus and Remus have slept in each other's beds plenty of times."

"That's cause Remus is ace and Dee's demi, no unholy acts going on in that bed... Well, that might be going a little far but you know what I mean."

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