Chapter 5-Questions

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The three others had been speaking quietly while Virgil let himself think of what was going to happen in the meeting they were about to go to. After a few moments, they stopped though and the three boys got up, Logan reached for his arm but Virgil slapped him away. 'Don't touch me' he signed

Logan must have remembered it from the last time Virgil used those signs because he seemed to understand, "Unfortunately Ann I can not say we trust you to walk on your own. You are faster than we are and have already said you would not hesitate to run if given the chance."

"It's okay kiddo, the kings a nice guy. It's just a meeting" Patton said.

Virgil picked up the notepad again, 'Promise me I won't get hurt'  He directed the notepad to specifically Roman and made sure to make eye contact so he would know who he was referring to.

"I promise"

'Will I have to speak?'

Roman shook his head, "My father knows you're mute, he would have gotten a translator. he won't force you to speak unless you need to."

Virgil nodded, he thought for a moment before writing down one more question, 'What do I do?'

"What do you mean?" Roman asked

Virgil rolled his eyes and bent over the notepad again 'I may be your prisoner but I will also be representing my kingdom, something that has not been done in many years. I want help, how can I make the best impression?'

They seemed a little surprised by this, "Wow you really are a prince" Roman muttered

"And it seems he is a better one than you Roman. Or at least a politer one" Logan said, he allowed a small smile to grace his lips as Roman rolled his eyes, "If I were you, I would avoid treating anybody like you treated General Tafe."

Roman nodded in agreement, "Bow, I know its not your kingdom but it'll get you on my parent's good side. You won't be allowed near my parents so don't try. Don't bring up Remus unless someone else does first, it's a touchy subject. You might have to let them call you by your real name since we don't have trait names here. Don't use your magic, unfortunately not everyone on my father's council is fond of it. And um, be nice I guess?"

Virgil nodded, 'Fine'  he signed before standing up. He let Logan take his arm, though he flinched at the touch. He was gently led out of the room and caught sight of himself in a mirror as they walked down the hall. He looked pretty messed up to be truthful. He had a thin scratch and dirt on his face from one of the many falls he had taken while running from the attack. His hair was a mess, and with his free hand, he tried to make it look better. But it was hard with no brush and only seeing himself for a second. His clothes were not in the best of shape, though luckily the cloak he had discarded earlier in the day had taken most of the damage and as the only thing he wore that showed were he was from, and his neck had a thin scratch as well from when the sword had been pressed to it. 

Eventually, they stopped in front of a large pair of wooden doors, "I'll be back. You guys stay out here while I catch my parents up on what we learned about you and my brother" Roman said before he entered the room.

Patton turned to him, "Hold still okay Ann" Patton said before helping Virgil with his hair, they must have seen him playing with it while they were walking. Patton pulled their sleeve over his hand and wiped at Virgil's face and mumbled to Logan about how they should have considered this before making their way over. They looked Virgil up and down, biting his lip at the lack of success he had had before nodding.

Roman came back through the doors and gave them a brief nod before going back in. Patton followed than Logan and Virgil went. Roman immediately went to sit at his mother's side. Patton bowed to the people in the room before he also went to go sit by a woman that looked a lot like them. Virgil felt Logan's hand leave his arm, the last boy from the trio bowed and he too walked away, except he didn't take a seat, he stood to the side of the room away from the rest of them, it was then that Virgil realized for the first time in three days that Logan's clothes were not as nice as the clothes Patton and Roman wore. It wasn't something a peasant would wear, but you could tell Logan was not as high up on the social ladder as everyone else in the room was.

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