Chapter 34- Rules

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It had been Logan that calmed him.

As soon as Virgil had begun to panic he had kicked and hit Roman until the other prince let him go. Once he was free from the other prince's grasp he had jumped away from him and begun pacing like mad as he grabbed at his hair and dug his nails into his scalp. He was hyperventilating and his eyes flew around the area, searching for danger. Magic was leaking from his hands, only seeming to worsen his panic as he failed to regain control of it, and watched it spread over the grassy field, his eyes blinking purple repeatedly. 

Logan and Patton arrived five minutes later, all their stuff and the horses with them. They had just stared at the youngest prince for a moment, none of them knew how to go about helping Virgil. His magic wasn't allowing any of them to get too close and he was in too frantic of a state to get any information to them, they had no idea what had caused the attack or what he had seen in his vision. Roman was assuming the worst, assuming that Virgil had seen Janus or Remus die. 

Eventually, though, Logan managed to get close enough to Virgil to attempt to calm him. He had to perform a difficult spell on himself to make himself immune to Virgil's magic. Seeing as he didn't know what spell Virgil was using, using a reversal spell probably wouldn't work. When he finally got to Virgil he helped to sit the boy down on the ground so he wasn't pacing anymore. He was slowly able to get Virgil to untangle his hands from his hair, followed by getting his breathing back in order, and eventually take control of his magic.

Nearly an hour later Virgil had been able to communicate what he had seen. And as awful as it was Roman was greatly relieved his brother wasn't dead like he had assumed and that this had happened nearly half a decade ago. Logan continued to speak to Virgil quietly, telling him he understood what it was like to lose a parent and he was sorry that Virgil had had to relive that day. He apologized for knocking him into the water and having distracted him. 

Finally, Virgil had calmed enough for them to continue their journey. Virgil rode side by side with Logan for the rest of the day. Patton and Roman, deciding to give them some space, rode a few paces behind them. Logan was talking to Virgil about something. The younger boy wasn't really sure what they were talking about, but he was well aware that it was an effort to keep him distracted and he appreciated that. He hadn't had a panic attack this large in a while, definitely not in front of those he was traveling with. And he hadn't expected the others to be able to calm him from such a large attack, especially Logan. 

Logan might be able to recognize when Virgil was getting anxious but Virgil really didn't expect him to be the type of person who was able to calm him so easily. He had already confessed and demonstrated he wasn't good with emotions or feelings. Yet already he had calmed Virgil from three attacks. The first when he was still in the Light Realm dungeon, the second when Virgil and Logan spoke about their pasts and funeral customs in their kingdoms, and the third was today. It was honestly surprising, Virgil didn't expect it of him. 

He didn't expect any of them to be able to calm him from such a large attack. Honestly, he had thought about this before and he had figured that if he ever had such a large attack he would end up passing out from exhaustion before they were able to calm him. Especially since, with some of his larger attacks, even Janus struggled to calm him from them. So really, it was quite a surprise to him when the nerd had been the one that had calmed him from his attack and was continuing an attempt to keep him calm.

"-human body really is an amazing thing, capable of many extraordinary and unbelievable things. Did you know, that a human can sneeze faster than the fastest animal in the world can run? Unbelievable isn't it? And-" Logan stopped when he felt Virgil take his hand. He looked over at the other, who didn't seem to be phased at all by what he had done. Virgil's hand was shaking in Logan's grasp, but even when Logan hinted to him that they did not need to touch him if it was not wanted Virgil didn't pull away. After a moment Virgil motioned for him to continue, "right, Uhm, well... a human baby's body is a physical anomaly. Much like a bee's actually. At birth, a human baby's head is very malleable and accounts for over a quarter of their body weight..." Logan continued to speak and explain while Virgil watched the path in front of him, neither brought up the attack for the rest of the day. 

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