Chapter 56- Control

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I don't much like this chapter. At the beginning, I feel like I made it seem like Virgil and Logan are getting too comfortable and even enjoying their time at the castle which is not what was intended. Sorry for the late update, I was at work! We put on Shrek!

TW: Mentions of Sickness, Mentions of Injury, Hinted Disassociation, Panic Attack, Mind Control, Touching Without Permission

"Virgil," Quintin's voice said through the door early the next morning. "Virgil, you are expected in the dining hall in less than an hour for breakfast." No noise came from the bedroom, "Prince Virgil! If you do not make your presence known this instant I will enter the room without consent." Nothing. 

Due to his mutism, Virgil, the guards, and whatever poor servant had the chore of helping him prepare in the morning had established a code through knocking. Two knocks meant to come in, three meant I'm changing, and four was the equivalent to 'fuck off or else.' Logan was the only one immune to this, he could come in whenever (though if Virgil knocked three times he'd wait to be invited in) and if Virgil really wanted to be alone he'd just tell Logan that when he came in.

But Virgil did not knock. No noise at all was heard in the room and so Quintin sighed angrily, probably thinking the prince had escaped again and that he'd have to take the blame for the night guard's idiocy and be forced to run another ten laps around the castle. With a grumble and a curse, Quintin opened the door to the bedroom only for something soft and plush to slam into his face. 

He caught the pillow as it fell to the ground, "Good morning Prince Virgil," the guard said as the boy in question laid sleepily in the bed, "You have a busy day, the servants should be here any minute now to help prepare you. Or are you going to scare them off again?"

Virgil hissed as Quintin drew the blinds open, pulling the blankets over his head, one hand fumbling for the notebook he kept on his bedside table and writing a quick note to the other man in the room. 'Feel sick. Not leaving. Go away.'

"You made a deal with your grandfather Virgil, you are expected to be out of bed and in the dining room within the hour ready to begin your day."

'Not going. Sick.'

Quintin rolled his eyes, "Oh, well, if you're sick then I suppose I'll have to call for the royal physician." He said, Virgil didn't remove the blanket from his head, "But if that happens then he'll be too busy looking over you to check on your brother and friends." Virgil peeked his head out of the sheets slightly, "Your grandfather wanted him to give Prince Janus and Remus a check-up before the memorial and possibly even have a few healing spells done. But if you're sick-"

Virgil was out of the bed before he could finish, writing a quick note for Quintin to disregard what he said as he left the comfort of his sheets. He didn't know if the guard was lying or not but it didn't matter, if any of his friends or brother had a chance at a healing spell he wasn't going to take it away from him. Even if what he had told Quintin was a lie, which it wasn't, he was sure he could deal with sickness for a little longer.

A servant arrived a little while later only for Virgil to push them and Quintin out of the room so he could change. Even back home he had never allowed the servants to help him change or even start the tub for him. That wasn't going to change here, no matter how much his grandfather insisted he let them do it or help him. He sighed as he leaned back against the door for a moment before bathing and changing. 

He left the room, letting Quintint escort him to the dining room. Logan was already waiting there for him and talking to Ira about their last lesson. Virgil rolled his eyes as he pulled Logan away from her. He knew Logan liked to learn about stuff or whatever but did he really have to fuel the fire? Once a nerd always a nerd he supposed. And it wasn't like he was asking any 'bad' questions or about Black Magick or anything, he was just being curious.

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