Chapter 43- Safe

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TW: Treason, Swords, Threats, Violence, Mentions of Animal Attacks, Mentions of War, Mentions of POW, Restraining Someone, Theft, Anxiety, Abilism (I think it's abilism, someone is rude and assumes something of V because he's mute.) Also Idk what to call this but I did want to list it in the triggers just in case, but Virgil isn't allowed to sign.

Also, Patton is referred to as a marquess multiple times in the coming chapters. A marquess is the oldest son of a duke. Patton is the only child to a duke but he uses He/They pronouns so I'm not certain if there's another term they would fall under or not. If marquess is the wrong term and you know the correct one PLEASE tell me so I can fix this. 

Special thanks to my friend from England VirgilLikesFanFic who helped me write parts of this chapter without even knowing it!

It had officially been one month since Virgil's home had been attacked. They were two days away from the edge of the Dark Realm and an unknown amount of time until they reached the base of the villains who had done this. Logan had already written the letters that would be mailed to Roman's parents and Virgil's uncle so they could be sent at a moment's notice. They had decided they'd send the letters via birds, it would be quicker and more reliable than the mail. At least, Roman claimed it'd be more reliable. "Birds are loyal," he had reasoned.

The group was slowly making its way through the forest, a canopy of trees above them protected them from the harsh brightness of a slowly setting sun. A cool breeze blew through the path, gently lifting leaves and dirt off the ground, and making overgrown grass and bushes dance slightly. The few clouds in the sky were wispy, thin, and stretched out across the blue it sat on. If you paid close attention then you might be able to catch just a whiff of the not-so-far-away ocean. Birds sang as they built their nests, Squirrels squeaked as they raced up trees, bugs skittered across the ground as they searched for food. It was a very pleasant day, that was something no one could deny.

Virgil was slightly behind the others as they walked, Patton in front and paving the way, and of course Logan and Roman in the center and speaking to each other. All of them held the reins of their horses in their hands, choosing to give them somewhat of a break from carrying them. The new couple was having another debate about some jam and which flavor was the best, Virgil himself thought the jam was stupid and not worthy of discussion (though if either of the two knew Virgil thought the jam was stupid they'd have his head) and so had refused when they asked him for his two cents' worth. 

Virgil sighed tiredly as he stopped for a moment to take a drink from his water bottle. He'd gotten a crappy amount of sleep these past couple of days. When he was with Remy he had slept fine -amazing even- even if he had felt slightly guilty that Remy had to sleep on the floor, but now that seemed like a distant dream. He had gotten three hours of sleep last night, his body was not happy about the amount of exercise he had been doing, though it was hard not to notice the effect the exercise had on his body. 

He froze when a vision suddenly flashed through his mind, the flask falling to the ground in his surprise and fear. Arrows. Somebody was going to shoot an arrow and it was going to hit Roman. He was going to-! Virgil jumped forward, releasing the reigns and grabbing both Roman and Logan by their hands, and pulling them back. The boys yelled in surprise, nearly tripping over themselves in an attempt to stay standing. 

"Virgil!" Roman said, a little bit angry a little bit distressed, "What's the matter with you?"

'Vision' he signed quickly, the other's attitude changing rapidly.

Logan took a small step forward, "What did you-" But before Logan could finish another scene was shown to him. Virgil quickly pushed past the other two and just about tackled Patton to the ground, make them yelp in concern, and wheeze slightly. 

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