Chapter 3-Where

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TW: Swords, Death Threats

The room was dark, he could barely see anything. Long shadows were spreading across the wall. But as he slowly moved forward Virgil finally saw them. Two young men sat in a cell not too different from his. Remus's head sat in Deceit's lap, he was asleep and his green clothing was covered in blood. Somehow Virgil knew that it was his. Deceit's hand rested on the other boy's head. His yellow eye was swollen, the gloves he normally wore were gone and revealed two poorly bandaged hands. He was looking down at Remus, a guilty look on his face. He was humming.

Virgil gasped at the sight, it began to fade away. The vision leaving his head. No. No! He had to hold on! He had to find them! He fought to control the vision but no matter how hard he tried eventually it was replaced with his own cell. He cursed his lack of magical strength as he lunged at the notepad. He quickly scribbled down the words and shoved it into Roman's hands. He was standing now, it was then that they realized Virgil was not as small as he looked. In fact, he was only a little shorter than Roman, which was surprising since Virgil was nearly two years younger.

"Why would we know where your brother is?" Roman asked

Virgil glared at them, an almost deadly look in his eyes as he snatched back the notepad. 'You have him.'

"You told us you were alone," Logan said, he pushed Roman behind him in case Virgil did something, "Ann, did you lie?"

'You lied. You have him, I saw it'

"I can assure you, Ann, you are the only person in this whole castle who is from the Dark Realm that we know of," Logan told him.

"What did you see?" Roman asked

"Does it have to do with why you were running?" That was Patton, they all stepped towards him and Virgil backed up until he was up against the wall. He dropped the notepad before moving his hands, wildly signing to them even though he knew they didn't understand. His mouth moved up and down as well but no sound came out. 

Logan's eyes widened slightly as a purple smoke began to spread out across the room. Immediately Logan took hold of his hands and Virgil's panic worsened as he tried to pull away, but Logan refused to let him go. The smoke continued to spread as Virgil's panic continued to grow and he continued to try and sign. "Ann, you must calm yourself, your panic and fear are causing you to lose hold of your magic and you could be putting many people in danger if you continue in this direction." Logan's grip tightened on wrists slightly as the other's breaths began to turn uneven. "I can only assume these emotions are being caused by the things you saw in your vision, forget about that for a moment and focus on your breathing and taking control of your magic, can you do that?"

Virgil nodded, trying his best to take deep breaths. Logan followed suit, his breaths far too exaggerated for the boy's normal personality. Virgil's eyes were closed tight, his hands kept trying to pull away as he did the breathing with Logan but Logan was refusing to let go. Several minutes passed before Virgil was calm enough for Logan to release him, "Ann, why do you think we have your brother?" Logan asked him, gently pushing the notepad back into his hands.

'Because you attacked us'

The three other boys were silent as they read the words over and over again. They looked at each other, Roman's face was white. "We never attacked you." Roman said, "Is that why you were running?" Virgil nodded. "I have to go," Roman said, before sprinting out of the room. Logan and Patton glanced at each other before following him, the door of the cell closing behind them and leaving Virgil alone once again.

He stared at the door as he realized something. Dread filled him and pulled his legs up again, resting his chin on his knees.

The Light Realm didn't do this

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