Chapter 48- Reunions

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"Virgil!" Logan spoke as the four quickly made their way through the dark halls of the castle, "Slow down! If we're going to do this we need to be logical! And nothing about this is logical!"

"Logan," Roman said quietly, "Please stop. There is a reason none of us are talking right now." Logan raised an eyebrow in confusion, "Logan, look around. We're not supposed to be here. It is an absolute miracle we haven't gotten caught and the alarm hasn't been raised. We need to be quiet."

"But this isn't logical-"

"Neither is talking and complaining when we can literally be found and caught at any second." And with that Roman was quickly pulling Logan towards the others. Logan sighed again, he understood that Roman and Virgil were worried about their brothers. But they had had a plan, they had a good plan. They had had a very logical plan. One that had worked to satisfy everyone while also keeping them safe, and now it had been figuratively thrown out the window.

"Virgil," Logan hissed again after Virgil had used the last of the sleeping powder Remy made for him on a passing maid, "This is ridiculous! Do you even know where you're going?"

"Logan, Darling, please, shut up!" Roman repeated as Virgil simply ignored them and continued to lead them down the halls because the fact of the matter was that yes, he did know where he was going. The vision, from earlier, had given him directions, and the feeling it had brought lingered and guided him towards where he needed to go.

Eventually, they were faced with two soldiers guarding a locked wooden door, immediately the guards noticed them and pulled out their weapons, and just as quickly Logan and Roman had jumped forward, fighting the men off with magic and swords until both enemies lay unconscious on the ground. Virgil paused for a moment as a tight nervous feeling clawed it's way through him as he stared as the door in front of him. What if it was to late? What if by now Tafe and Ira and whoever had already hurt them? What if his brother was bleeding to death and no amount of magic could help him? Or if Remus had gone crazy after being stuck here so long? Or what if by now Remus and Janus had given up on being saved and had given up on him? What if he had taken to long, and now they hated him? Oh god, he didn't think he could live through any of that. He couldn't live without his brother. He couldn't live without his best friend. He wouldn't be able to live if they hated him. He wouldn't be able to-!

"Ann," Patton said, his voice cutting through the thoughts that had bombarded his head and taken his hand, "Is this it? Are they in here?" 

Virgil nodded, wiping a sleeve across his face to catch the tears that had fallen. Roman placed a hand on Virgil's shoulder, "Lets save our brothers then," he said with a small smile. Logan rolled his eyes, yes he was happy that his friend and boyfriend would have their loved ones saved. He was excited to see his long lost friend again. But this was a stupid idea, and to be honest a little cliche. Like somethin out of one of Roman's silly- but unique and wonderfully Roman-like - fantasys.

Virgil took a deep breath as he unclipped the ring of keys off the belt of one of the guards and pushed it into the lock, the door swinging open almost on it's own accord. The small prison was dark, wet, and gloomy. A narrow but slightly long hallway led towards a more open area made up of a total of five or so cells that went around the circular perimeter of the room. Torches hung on the wall and a little bit of sunlight streamed in from the few small windows it had. It looked like any normal prison, and was mostly empty.

"Remus," A voice said that made Virgil's breath catch in his throat, and at the sound of his brother's name made Roman let go of Virgil and instead grip tightly to Logan's hand, "How many times do I have to tell you not to touch magic glowing orbs?"

"Oh relax snakey!" Remus's voice said, "They're not even hurting me, see? Harmless!"

"That doesn't matter," Janus's voice spoke again, "Not all magic is immediate... just... come here." Neither of the older princes had noticed the group of four yet, but now that they had moved farther into the room, the travelers had a perfect view of them. 

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