Chapter 7-Okay?

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Virgil stared at the ceiling to the room before sighing quietly and turning on his side. It was almost three am and he had gotten pretty much no sleep. Not surprisingly sleep wasn't easy to come by when you're in a room with three people you barely know. Then again Virgil had never been very good at sleeping, his anxiety and his visions always kept him awake far into the night. It hadn't exactly gotten any easier the past few nights either. He could almost laugh at what Remy would tell him. 

Remy. He had known the coffee addicted boy since they were tiny. If Dee and Remus weren't with him he was with Remy. They couldn't really hang out as a group, their schedules conflicted to much for that. Dee and Virgil were busy with princely matters, Remy had to help with things at home, and Remus was often helping the knights or squires with training. Still, Virgil loved Remy and luckily he hadn't been in the kingdom when it was attacked. Remy and his family were fairies and ran a very large and successful business making potions and magic powders. The night of the attack Remy, his father, and one of his little sisters were in a different kingdom on a business trip.  

Virgil had no idea what he would do if Remy had also been caught up in the attack, though he did feel slightly bad for his friend. He had left the kingdom when it was put together, prosperous, and strong. But he was returning to what Virgil could only assume was a trail of destruction with its rulers missing. It would terrify anyone, Virgil could only imagine how it would be for him. Remy was due to return in a few days. Virgil had little time to try and make things better for Remy and everyone else that was on the boat with him.

"Ann?" Someone whispered. Virgil sat up a little and looked around the darkroom. Logan was asleep right in front of the door to keep Virgil from trying to leave, he hadn't been the one who called him. Roman was also fast asleep, so Virgil turned his head towards where Patton had laid down. They looked like they had just woken up, and had a worried look on his face, "Are you okay?" he asked as he put his glasses on again.

Virgil nodded, "Are you sure? You're crying." Patton said. Virgil lifted a hand to his cheek and pulled away when he felt they were wet. Oh, that was odd? Patton stood up and walked towards Virgil, his blanket dragging behind him until he sat down again. "Have you slept?" he asked with a long yawn. Virgil shrugged. "What are you thinking about?"


"Oh...whose that?" Patton asked. Virgil glanced over to the two other sleeping forms, "Don't worry about them, Roman sleeps like a bull and Logie cares too much about his sleep schedule... are you worried about them?"

Virgil shook his head again, 'He wasn't there'

Patton paused, staring at Virgil's hands and trying to get his brain to remember what the signs meant, "wasn't at the attack?"

'In the kingdom. He's safe'  Virgil signed. 

"is he your friend" Virgil nodded. "Why won't you sleep?" Virgil shrugged again, "Are you anxious? Like your name?" 

Virgil nodded 'Are you tired?'   

"Am I what?" Virgil put his hands to his head as if pretending to sleep. "I'm not tired I'm Dad," Patton said he smiled at Virgil who responded with a very small one in return. "I can stay awake if it makes you feel better. I don't want you to feel lonely"

'I don't get lonely'

Patton squinted their eyes as he thought before Virgil spelled out the last word, "you don't get lonely? But everyone gets lonely"

Virgil shook his head with a sad smile, 'Not everyone wants to be friends with a prince'  Once again it took a minute for Patton to understand what Virgil meant but that was alright. It was a lie, either way, everyone wanted to be friends with a prince. If you're friends with the prince you're pretty much set, which always made Virgil anxious about who he can trust. Either way, the truth was that not everyone wanted to be friends with a mute. It was too much effort for them, at least that's what Virgil assumed.

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