Chapter 28- Dragon-Witch

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TW: Witches, Dragons, Violence, Fire, Burns, Kind of Dragonnapping (as in Dragon Kidnapping, not a dragon napping), Implied Death, Being Eaten Alive Kind Of Sort of Very.

This chapter and its resolution does make more sense once you read the next chapter so I do suggest waiting but you obviously don't have to.

Extra Long Chapter, yay!

"You still have Dragon-Witches!?" Roman demanded, his voice sounding very similar as to when he had asked Virgil about the dragon. The other prince rolled his eyes, obviously, they still had Dragon-Witches, this was obviously a Dragon-Witch common sense Roman, use it! 

"My, my, Prince Roman," The Dragon-Witch said as she slowly moved in front of them, "I've heard the Light Realm was not kind to its magical users but you'd think a prince with such a close relationship to a wizard would be a little more accepting."

"I'm fine with magic. Just not this type of magic" Roman said as he glared at the Dragon-Witch.

"Yes, your laws seem to mirror that belief" Once again, the Dark Realm did seem to hold another point in the 'Acceptance' competition when it came to Dragon-Witches. While it was looked down upon in the Dark-Realm, it was at least legal, whereas practicing any of the forbidden magics in the Light-Realm was like asking for a death sentence. They didn't have many people breaking that law however, then again magic was slightly more uncommon in the Light Realm than in the more accepting kingdoms. And part of the whole Dragon Relocation program idea had been about subtly relocating Dragon-Witches as well, after all, if the dragons leave then the Dragon-Witches will be forced to follow.

The Dragon-Witches eyes drifted over to Virgil who glared at the woman, one hand at his sword and the other prepared to launch a spell. "Oh," the witch said with a laugh, "I've heard rumors about you, Prince Virgil. Is it true you were born with defective magic?" 

Virgil's gaze only hardened as he gave no answer, behind them Logan smashed himself up against the magical barrier once again, still trying to get free and assist his friends. Roman took a step forward, "Ann get behind me, the plan has changed" Roman said as he drew his sword, "Alright Lady, let my friends go or else,"

"Or else what?" The Dragon-Witch asked with a smirk, "You'll kill me? You'll attack me? I hate to break it to you Prince Roman, but you're not the first person to come in here and demand something from me. Now, stop trying to play hero, nobody's going anywhere"

Roman sighed, "Take care of the barrier Ann," he said before lunging forward with his sword and beginning to attack the witch. She jumped away from each attack easily with a smile before lashing back out at him with different sorts of spells. 

Virgil turned back to the barrier and resumed trying to bring it down again. Logan had stopped throwing himself against it and he had stopped trying to speak as he realized that the witch had put a spell on him. Now all he did was stare helplessly at the two princes and try and silently communicate to them to just leave.

Virgil's brow furrowed in concentration as he attempted the spell to bring down the magic cage. Virgil sighed in disappointment with himself when the spell was refusing to work. He pulled his bag in front of him and pulled out one of the books. 'I'll get you out, I just need a moment'  he signed quickly before returning to his book and flipping through it quickly. Logan's eyes flew between both princes, making sure both were okay each time they landed on them. 

Virgil found the spell he was looking for and began to read how to perform it and his hands started to glow as the spell began to work. He smiled as the barrier also began to glow and it slowly came down. It was only about two feet down from the high stone ceiling when Logan suddenly start throwing himself against the barrier again. Virgil looked up at him, confused, with a question on his face when he heard Roman shout, "Ann duck!"

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