Chapter 29- Exhaustion

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Again, this chapter makes more sense when reading it directly after the previous ones because it explains how Roman was able to get out but other then that yeah. Just enjoy.

Thirty minutes down the mountain they had a few minutes of hiking left to do. Patton was curled up slightly in Roman's arms, seemingly a little calmer than he had been in the cave, but still bleeding and still asleep. Logan wasn't doing much better. He was moving slowly and sluggishly, there were points where it seemed that Virgil was dragging him rather than helping him walk. Roman was trying to keep him awake by babbling about something, nobody was really sure what he was talking about since nobody was really listening but it seemed to be working.

Or it had been.

Virgil and Logan were falling slightly behind Roman and Patton. The Dark Realm prince pulled Logan a little harder than he meant to in an attempt to wake him up but it did little good. Suddenly Logan's eyes were rolling to the back of his head and Virgil was fumbling to stop him from hitting the ground. Four awkward seconds later Roman heard him squeak uncomfortably and turned to find Logan's body draped over the shorter boy's back like a human cape. "Seriously? Couldn't today just have been an easy day?" he asked as he tried to think of how he was gonna carry both Logan and Patton down the rest of the mountain.

Virgil struggled to move his arms so they still held Logan up but allowed him to sign as well, 'Give me Patton, you take Logan'

"What?" Roman said with a little bit of doubt, "No offense to either you or Patton but I don't really think you're strong enough to hold him"

He was honestly probably right to be fair. Despite Virgil being nearly as tall as Roman and several inches taller than Patton Virgil was also thinner than Patton was and didn't have a lot of obvious muscle. Still, Virgil sighed, 'I can levitate him'

"You trust you're magic enough to levitate Patton the rest of the way down?" He winced a little bit at how that sounded but Virgil seemed to understand he didn't mean it how he said it

Virgil shrugged, 'We don't really have another choice. Besides, I've done levitation spells hundreds of times and I haven't made that spell explode in years' Virgil paused, that probably wasn't reassuring, 'I got this I swear'

Roman stared at him for a moment before carefully setting Patton on the ground, "If you make my friend explode I'm gonna kill you"

Virgil gave him a thumbs-up as Roman tried to find a way to carry Logan down now. Logan was taller than Roman, making him the tallest in the group, and eventually Roman decided to hold him as though he was going to be giving the nerd a piggyback ride. He lifted him onto his back and Virgil wrapped Logan's arms around the other prince as Roman held onto him. Then Virgil turned back to Patton and carefully began to lift him off the ground with his powers. His eyes tinted slightly purple and Patton slowly began to rise into the air, his chest was higher than the rest of his body as he hung limply in the air.

Roman watched it for a moment before sighing, "You sure you got this?" He asked worriedly. Virgil nodded quickly, not taking his eyes of the floating body as he slowly started moving forward again. Roman nodded in return as he started moving as well, continuing to lead them down the mountain.

When they got to the bottom Roman carefully and awkwardly set Logan down on the ground and turned back to Virgil, "You got him?" he asked Virgil who seemed to be struggling to set Patton down. Virgil shook his head quickly and Roman lunged forward to catch Patton just as Virgil lost his hold on him. Patton dropped into Roman's arms and Virgil fell to the floor, sweat pouring down his head and panting for breath. Roman quickly set Patton down and kneeled down next to Virgil, "Ann are you okay?"

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