Chapter 6-Royals

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There were three people in the room. The Queen of the Light Realm, The King of the Light Realm. And the youngest Prince of the Dark Realm. Virgil was frozen in his place, his fingers tapped at his side frantically. His eyes ran wild around the room as they searched for an emergency escape route. He figured if he was faster than Roman than he had to be faster than the king and queen. "Prince Virgil, would you like to take a seat?" The queen said she pointed to a chair to the side and then to a spot a few feet in front of them.

No. Virgil would not like to take a seat. If he sat down it would make him slower. It would add an extra step to his escape plan. What if they were gonna hurt him? He was a fool for ever agreeing to this. Their kingdoms hated each other, why would his getting attacked do anything? No. No. He didn't want to sit down. 

But he did, Virgil carefully moved the chair exactly where the queen wanted and took a seat. 'You need this' He reminded himself. 'Dee and Remus need you and it'll be much easier if you have help.'

"Prince Virgil, are you aware that if any of what you have spoken here is false your kingdom will be going to war with our own?" The king asked

Virgil nodded.

"And you're willing to risk that?"

'It's the truth' He signed. But he could tell by the looks on their faces that they didn't understand. He bit his lip before making a writing motion. 

"Of course, here you are" the king gathered some blank pages in front of him and a pencil, he motioned for Virgil to retrieve them. Virgil did, slowly and hesitantly. Once they were in his hand he carefully backed away, watching the two other royals as he took a seat again. He wrote the same words down before showing it to them.

"What do you know about war, Prince Virgil," the queen asked

'I'm sixteen, I know very little about war. I know that it's devastating and I know it's something my kingdom has wanted to avoid'

The king looked Virgil in the eye as he spoke again, sitting up straighter as he did "Yet we have had several battles between our kingdoms" 

'I can not speak for the actions of my father.'

"You are speaking carefully" The queen noted

'I value my life and I am well aware that if I say the wrong thing it would not be very difficult for you to take it.'

"You were promised your safety while in this room." The king reminded him, "Did you hear anything the night that you were attacked?"

Virgil thought for a moment, the only words he had heard from the attackers were from the people who had chased after him, 'I was nearly caught, the two men who grabbed me were speaking about how they wanted me alive and how harming me might force my brother to stop fighting them'

Under the table, the king took the queen's hand gently, "Did they say anything about your father?"

Virgil shook his head.

"Were they strong?"

Virgil nodded.

"Do you think they might come here?"

This was getting annoying, answering questions, writing things down. All this was doing was wasting time! Why couldn't they just decide already? Were they gonna help him or not? He needed to go, he needed to save his brother. He needed to go home! He was tired of this. He wasn't supposed to be nice and polite to these people. He was supposed to not like them. They had done terrible things to their kingdom and terrible things to Remus, their son. He didn't like this  'Just a little longer. Be the polite calm prince for a little longer

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