Chapter 16-Visions

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TW: Kidnapping, Violence,

Roman. Roman. Roman! Roman! Roman!!! 

Virgil shot upwards, a sick feeling flowed through his body. He barely stopped to take in his surroundings before he jumped out of the bed he lied in and roughly shook Patton awake. "Ann?" Patton asked drowsily. "What goin on?" Virgil didn't stop to answer, grabbing at Patton's hand and pulling him out of his bed. "Ann? Is everything okay? It's still dark outside." Patton said, slightly more awake now as Virgil dragged him out of the room and down the hall towards Roman and Logan's room. 

Patton's eyes widened when he realized where they were headed and the urgency in Virgil's actions. Were his friends in danger? Did Virgil have another vision? Of what? What was going on?

Virgil skidded to a halt in front of the door and tried to open the door but it had been locked. Eyes still wide with panic, he released his hold on Patton's wrist and began to do the spell he had used to escape his cell, days ago, and used it to unlock the door. As soon as he heard the lock click he threw the door open and ran into the room. The door slammed into the wall, causing Logan to shoot upward in the bed "Whose there? What's going on?" He shouted, one hand fumbled for his glasses, the other filled with a dark blue flame that he was ready to send towards the other two.

"Logan it's us!" Patton shouted before Logan could let go of the orb, "It's Ann and Patton!"

Logan relaxed and the flame disappeared, he placed his glasses on his face, "May I ask why you two have entered in such a way?" He left the bed and began moving around the room in search of proper clothing, for some reason he had a feeling he wouldn't be going back to sleep anytime soon. 

'Wheres Roman?'  Virgil asked

"He took Jezz out for a short ride," Logan said with a yawn, "It's what he does when he needs to think. Or sometimes he plays that silly instrument of his" Virgil ran out of the room before anything else could be said, the other two calling for him to stop and explain himself but he didn't. He couldn't. Virgil ran down the stairs of the inn, the owner greeted him but Virgil ran past him and out the door, Logan and Patton attempting to follow close behind.

He ran to the stables behind the building, but Jezebelle wasn't there and neither was Roman. Virgil pulled at his hair and kicked at one of the wooden posts in frustration and worry. "Virgil," Logan said, using his real name instead of the shortened trait name, "What's wrong? Is Roman in danger?"

'I don't know.' Virgil signed in return.

"Then what is the reason for such urgency?" 

'Not all visions are the same,' Virgil signed, 'It doesn't always show me everything or sometimes anything.'

"I'm not understanding. Magic is like science and science is constant" 

'Too difficult to explain right now. We have to find Roman.'

"He might not even be in danger. Roman is a strong swordsman, he knows how to protect himself. He's been out alone before and-" he stopped as Virgil began signing.

'So is Remus, so am I, stuff happens Logan. There's always someone better.'

"Ann, you're not even sure if Roman is in danger. Let's not-" Logan's voice faded away as a new image filled Virgil's head. He groaned and grabbed at his head, another wave of nausea flowed through him. More yelling except this time he actually saw something else. Jezebel was coming, no rider again. He really hoped that was enough proof for Logan.

Before anything else could happen he pulled Logan and Patton out of the way just as Jezebel came charging towards them. "Whoah! Calm down there, Jez!" Patton said as he jumped out of Virgil's grip to calm the horse. "Easy, easy. Good girl, what a good girl. Everything okay now you see?"  As the horse began to calm Patton turned back to them. "Where's Roman?"

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