Chapter 25- Remus Pt 3/3

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TW: Remus, Imprisonment, Mentions of Injuries, Homophobia, Mentions of Murder/Death

Two Years Ago:

Remus woke up in pain, which he wasn't exactly surprised about considering he had been stabbed. What he was surprised about was that he A: wasn't dead and B: was covered in bandages. He groaned in pain and placed a hand over where he had been stabbed. The knife wasn't in his body anymore, maybe whoever took it would let him keep it. Like how some people kept their lost teeth or appendixes. Probably not though. Oh well, no knife that could've killed him for Remus then.

Despite the pain Remus managed to sit himself up, it didn't take him very long to figure out that this wasn't his room in the castle. He was in a dungeon, and Remus had hung out in the dungeons back home long enough to know that he wasn't in the Light Realm castle. Remus looked down to examine his injuries only to find that his shirt and jacket were missing and had instead been replaced by bandages climbing up his chest and stomach. He placed a hand gently at where he had been stabbed and immediately pulled away when it hurt. He paused for a moment then touched the area again.

Don't pretend you wouldn't do it too. Everybody presses on bruises and pulls at scabs, it's not that weird... okay maybe it was a little weird but it wasn't going to stop him.

The sound of a door opening made him look up and outside the bars of the prison that held him. Footsteps could be heard in the hallways, as well as a voice, "Slow down Ann," The voice said, from the hallway behind the bars, "This guy has been asleep for two days, maybe the vision was wrong or something? It was wrong last time" the footsteps continued to get louder and faster, at least one of the people was running now. 

And then a person stopped in front of his cell and looked at him. He smiled at Remus before gesturing for whoever had been with him to move faster. It was a kid, probably only a year or two younger than him. He wore a black shirt and a purple coat. The boy's hair was dark brown and overgrown barely covering a pair of blue eyes. He was thin, and not too short. There were dark circles under his eyes from lack of sleep, and they were slightly red around the edges.

Soon a second boy appeared, this one wore a yellow shirt with long sleeves and a black vest. He was more strange looking than the first boy, and older. With two different colored eyes, scales going up one side of his face, and strands of golden hair appearing sporadically in his black hair. Both of them had naturally pale skin and for a moment the three of them just stared at each other.

"You like what you see?" Remus asked them with a smirk.

"I'm not sure," the older one said, "Do you like what you see"

Remus shrugged, "Shortys alright, but I've seen better. Haven't seen many that look as good as you before though," The first boy frowned slightly while the second turned a little red. It was unclear whether it was from embarrassment, anger, or both.

"Are you guys vampires?" Remus them suddenly. Both looked taken aback by the question before the first boy looked up at the older one and started making weird shapes with his hands, "Witches than?" Remus asked, the first boy paused and glanced at Remus before continuing to make hand signals at the older one.

"He wants to know if you like witches or not, we've heard of magic not being accepted in your kingdom," the older boy said.

Remus shrugged, "it's okay, one of my friends is a wizard! I like the spells with the funny words and the sparkly colors" Somehow the two boys remained unconvinced and it got quiet again. Again the younger boy made shapes with his hands to the other boy who smiled at the younger and seemed to be about to respond before they were interrupted.

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