Chapter 39- Kisses

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TW: Arguing, Anxiety, Spontaneous Kisses, Logan being a frickin jerk and doing some really mean stuff cause he really acted like B hole in this one but hopefully it's okay at the end.

Secret ship is revealed! And people might be upset about it! Yay! Also remember to check out the summaries for my next couple books at the bottom of the chapter.

I didn't mean to make it so long I swear!

Virgil smiled and laughed as he slowly waved his hand through the air and watched as the fire in front of them bent to his will. It was the end of day twenty-six since the attack and Logan was helping Virgil learn a new spell. Virgil had really improved with his magic since meeting Logan, something that seemed to have lifted his confidence. The nerd himself sat next to him, every once in a while giving Virgil a pointer to improve the spell, but otherwise, he sat peacefully, and on the log, the two shared and watched Virgil as if in a trance. The other two had gone hunting and searching for wood while they set up the camp and learned spells, they were alone.

The camp had been set up along the shore of a beach with the forest behind them. They were far enough from the water so the waves would not reach them as the tide rose but could still feel the mist the saltwater provided. The waves crashed against the shore, and when paired with the sounds of the forest behind them, it created euphonious harmony.

Logan looked at Virgil with a small smile of his own; it was always so nice seeing the look Virgil got on his face whenever he learned a spell he had been having trouble on. Or the way his face looked whenever he was trying hard to focus. It was always so amazing to watch as Virgil attempted to adapt a speaking spell so he could perform it as well, how Virgil's fingers would move through the air as they performed the correct movements to the spell. It was adorable to watch him mess up a spell only for him to attempt to keep thinking positively and sign something to Logan about how it was better than last time' or how it 'at least it didn't explode this time.' Everything about Virgil was amazing, truly.

Virgil nudged Logan with his foot to snap Logan out of his trance and gestured to the flying flames he was currently using to attempt to spell out his name. Logan allowed himself to laugh slightly with the other as he watched. He needed to tell him. Logan needed to tell Virgil his true feelings.

Roman hadn't stopped flirting with the other prince and Virgil would always have some snarky comment to reply with. Roman and Virgil were getting closer and if Logan didn't confess now then Roman would surely do it. And then Virgil would be Roman's. Logan trusted Roman with his life, he valued him highly. Roman was his best friend though, and had been for years. Logan knew Roman better than he knew his own mother. Roman always put true love ahead of anything, he might even put it in front of friendship. Even if he said he wouldn't. Even if the rules said he couldn't. He would, that's just who Roman was.

And of course, Virgil would choose Roman over Logan. Roman was a prince, he was creative, strong, and protective. He was understanding, he liked to sing and dance and tell stories. He bantered, knew how to fight, he was active. Roman actually knew stuff about courting and dating. Logan wasn't any of that. Logan was the son of a sickly woman who married a looked down upon lord. Logan had no father, his older brother was dead, and his Uncle's title provided him with more respect than his family name. He was a wizard in a kingdom where having magic was looked down upon. His title meant nothing to people once they knew his name. Little of the respect he had from others was respect that he had rightfully earned. He was a nerd who didn't understand complex emotions and who often questioned Dark Realm tradition. 

Virgil would have to be a fool to pick Logan over Roman, and Virgil was anything but a fool. If Logan confessed first though, then maybe that would give him some kind of chance with Virgil.

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