Chapter 60- Escape Pt 2/2

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TW: Anxiety, Swords, Knives, Attacks, Stabbing, Death,

Remy, Virgil, and Logan stood in the middle of the hall, their path to the castle exit blocked by Markus and four or five guards.

Logan immediately set up for a spell, magic at the ready as he stood prepared. Meanwhile, Remy had drawn his knife and grabbed a thin glass vial full of a mysterious hot pink liquid. Virgil continued to stand at the front of the trio, pulling the gloves up as high as they would go as adjusted his stance. The guards in front of them had their weapons drawn and were stalking closer to them slowly, waiting for Markus's final command.

Eventually, it did, a quick and short demand for the guards to capture them and to make quick work of them. With that, the guards moved quicker and attacked. The fight greatly reminded Virgil of a few weeks ago when he and the others had first tried to escape out of the prison tower, only to be caught by Tafe and Markus and the news of his Grandfather not being dead had finally been given to him.

Logan was taking on two guards at the same time, sending one spell after another to the guards fighting him. It hadn't taken him long to notice just how well of a job he was doing at evading attacks, if this had happened a few weeks ago his ducks and weaves would be a lot more messy and wild. And Logan couldn't help but be glad for those horrific sword lessons his Uncle had forced on time these past couple of weeks. Not that he was any good at using a sword now, no matter how long the training the sword part had never really clicked well. But apparently, the footwork had, his movements were now much cleaner and calculated. Logan had even noticed his speed had increased slightly. He had never been much of an athlete, so that was quite impressive.

Meanwhile, Remy was struggling with just one guard. He'd do his best to weave between the sword, but with his only actual weapon being a knife, Remy wasn't able to get too close lest he risks getting stabbed. He did occasionally throw out parts of his family brewed concoctions, each one having a different effect but none of them having a strong enough one to take the guard out of the way permanently. He sighed quietly, really wishing he had taken Hollis up on those last-minute lessons he had offered before they had set out, it could've really been helpful right about now.

Virgil was doing a phenomenal job protecting himself though. Even with the guards having been given the order to not wound him too badly, the two were obviously very talented and trying their hardest. But Virgil was better. He was using Franklin's sword, which should already make this more difficult seeing as it was a different weight and length than his first choice sword but he was making do surprisingly well. He dodged between the guard's attacks and used his own skills to his advantage, every once in a while he would throw in a spell or two but he kept those to a minimum.

His time with Tafe hadn't taught him much, partly because he already knew much of the things the general had tried to teach him and partly because Virgil simply did not give enough crap about the man to pay attention. But going back to almost daily training and giving him new opponents who he hadn't already spared with his whole childhood and had memorized their strategy had obviously served him well.

With one final spell thrown at each of his attacking guards, the men went down and Virgil turned to look at his grandfather with a glare. He let out a breath as he took a step forward, sword in hand.

"Virgil," Markus said with a smile that would tell even the stupidest of people that he had a plan, "Aren't you going to help your friends?"

Virgil tensed, hesitating before shaking his head out, they could take care of themselves, he thought to himself. Markus shrugged, still smirking, "Oh well, less trouble for me," He told him before snapping his fingers. It all happened so quickly, Virgil didn't even have time to react or do anything to stop them. As soon as the snap was heard the guards fighting Logan and Remy had suddenly managed to restrain them. One of Logan's opponents tripped him and pushed him to the ground while the other pointed a sword to his throat. And the guard battling Remy barely even batted an eye as he pinned Remy to his chest, his own knife turned against him.

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