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"Hello? yes. I'm watching sir, yes he is leaving the house"

"......Understood,We'll carry it out as soon as possible" 


"Daddy do you have to go?", Mingi asked Hongjoong while watching Seonghwa and Hongjoong stuff shirts and other supplies into a luggage.

Hongjoong sighed and went to Mingi, He picked him up and ruffled his hair, 

"three days baby, I promisee I'll be back in three days,and daddy will buy chocolates and toys for you, okay? You can call me whenever you want okay?" 

The 27 years-old male had a business trip to attend to, which made everyone in the house worried sick. He tried to negotiate and even explaining everything that had happened to his family these couple of months but this business trip is once in a lifetime opportunity for his family business to grow even bigger, He was scheduled to be there for a week but managed to shorten it with a lot of begging.

Mingi pouted and hugged his father, burying his face in his neck, "I'll miss you"

Hongjoong chuckled and squeezed him tighter, "I'll miss you too baby".

The next morning was even harder for the rest of the kids and Hongjoong himself. Thankfully he's not going overseas, he's just gonna be at least 7 hours away and still in the country. Which is still pretty far but better. The person that was the most anxious was Seonghwa, not only was his own safety in line, the kids safety was gonna be a lot tough to look for by himself. Though he's sure he'll be fine. It's not like the kids want to go out anyways.

At least that's what he thought.

"mommy! can we go watch Frozen?!"


"Mommy I wanna go buy ice cream!!!!"


"Mommy are we gong to the park today?!"

It was approximately, 4 Hours since Hongjoong left. Seonghwa took a deep breath and picked up his phone, dialing a number.

"hello? Chan? Can you babysit for a few days? I'll double your pay and please drag that pretty boy with you."

2  hours later, the boys showed up with bag filled with clothes. Seonghwa pulled them into a hug of relief.  A little too hard. The boys were confused but hugged him back. 

"UNCLE CHAAAAAAAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" screamed Wooyoung while running to him.Chan crouched down and hugged the boy. Hyunjin just watched while the two started babbling about how much they missed each other.

"oh look my boyfriend is here too!'' Wooyoung suddenly exclaimed while hanging onto Hyunjin's leg.Hyunjin looked at Wooyoung then at Seonghwa, Seonghwa shrugged

Chan stood up besides Seonghwa and leaned to whisper,

" Do you think he's-"

"yep. 100 percent, Gay and 5 years old." Seonghwa blurted out, not even bothering to listen to the end.

Chan whistled and nodded. "cool" 


"Mommy pleaseeeee" Wooyoung whined

"No. and that is final."

The boy had been asking- well, begging his mommy to go get Ice cream. He went as far as trying to jump off the sofa to show his need. Which was very much unnecessary. Seonghwa had been cussing in his mind since the second Hongjoong stepped out of the house. With a heavy sigh, he agreed.

"Fine. but just Ice cream, No parks, no toys. Understand?" Seonghwa said sternly.

The boy lit up and went running to his brothers to tell them. Within seconds, they were ready to go, along with Chan and Hyunjin. Seonghwa whipped out his phone and texted Soonyoung that they're leaving the house.

They decided to go to the mall since they don't have much to do anyways. They got their ice creams and ate very happily, and messily . 


"Yes?" Seonghwa looked down to Jongho that insisted holding hand and walking side by side with  him.

"Can I have a new plushie?" He looked up at Seonghwa with the biggest puppy eyes ever. Seonghwa gulped and tried to stay composed. His heart was screaming at him, but he staye dcalm and crouched down.

"You have a lot at home baby,"

"but I don't have a wolf one.." And the puppy face came back and even Chan that was standing off the side had to look away. Seonghwa stared at him for a moment.

"fuck, " He mumbled under his breath "okay fine, just one okay?"

"Yeay!!" Jongho jumped up and down and ran to Chan. Seonghwa rubbed his face and breathe out a heavy sigh.

"You're really weak mommy, and you said a bad word"

"Excuse me?"  Seonghwa turned to his side,raising his eyebrow and saw Yeosang . The boy shrugged and look away, 

"fuck" he mumbled

Yeosang giggle and ran to Mingi, grabbing his hand and walking together. He looked back at Seonghwa and stuck his tongue out. Seonghwa gasped at him making him laugh.

They all walked to the store and Seonghwa sighed for the hundreth time that day, praying for his wallet. 

Yunho looked around the store with wide eyes as his brothers were reaching out for some toys. Suddenly he felt someone tugging on his hand, he looked to the side and saw San.

"I found something," He whispered.

"what is it?"

"Come on"

San just continued pulling Yunho to the corner of the store, close to the staff room.

"Look," San pointed at the wall.

"what?" Yunho frowned, genuinely confused about his brother's behaviour.

"Someone is in there," He said excitedly.


{A/N: Well, hello there my dear very patient readers, I am baffled at how loyal and patient you guys are waiting for updates from this mentally exhausted author. >_<. Anyways, appreciate this happiness before you can't-


anyways how are you? Are you drinking enough water? are eating enough? REMINDER!!!!!!

You're beautiful!!!! \(0 3 0)/

See ya in the next one!!!!  <3 Hope you're doing well!, I love you guys!!!!}

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