{ IX }

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"Sannie come here!" Hongjoong shouted, as the boy walked away quickly, naked.

He giggled as he felt Hongjoong lifting him up and held him up in the air. "You need to slow down little man"

San just giggled ands slapped Hongjoong. At last, little san got his clothes. Hongjoong turned to Yeosang that was rolling over and over on the floor.

"Sangie? " He called making the boy turned to him.

"What are you doing dear?" Hongjoong chuckled.

Yeosang just continued rolling. San decided to join. At one point they ended up in each other arms, laughing and hugging each other.

Hongjoong sighed happily, "do whatever makes you happy"

Seonghwa walked down slowly with Yunho holding his hands and walked slowly as he put his small feet onto the stairs. Once they reached down, Seonghwa picked him up and threw him in the air, "good job baby!"

Yunho clapped his hands and threw his hands up. Seonghwa pecked his head and walked towards Hongjoong.

He sat down on the couch and Yunho stayed on his laps. Reaching out for the book beside him. He opened it and started pointing out pictures to Seonghwa, while his mouth constantly mumbles something.

"How is he?" Hongjoong suddenly spoke up.

"He's good, I still don't know what's wrong though"Seonghwa said while gently brushing the hair on Yunho's head.

"I don't think anything is wrong, I just think that he just wants your attention, he is your baby after all." Hongjoong said

"I know... that's why I'm worried about the other two that will come, how will Yunho feel?" As soon a he said that, Yunho let out a whine drom the lack of attention so he climbed over and snuggled into his "mom's" neck.

"I guess you have the answer" Hongjoong said motioning to the baby's action.

Seonghwa sighed and kissed Yunho's head.
"I have to get them like... An hour ago. Thank god they understood. Yunho just won't let me put him down"

"Bring him along then, You know, go to a shop with him or something, spend some time with him," Hongjoong said while looking at his two babies that are now cuddling while watching cartoons.

"I guess..yeah I'll do that tomorrow, I'm too tired now," seonghwa sighed.




"Come on baby, let's buy some new clothes for you yeah?" Seonghwa said as he adjusted Yunho's position in his arms.

He tried putting Yunho in the little baby carrier thing but Yunho was uncomfortable so he decided against it. Once they arrived, A lot of people were looking at them. Some even squealing at how cute Yunho was and how handsome Seonghwa was.(i mean- Who wouldn't?)

Seonghwa just smiled at them politely and proceed to check the baby clothes. Yunho struggled, wanting to be let down. Seonghwa put Yunho down and the little baby walked around Seonghwa. Seonghwa chuckled and crouched down, showing a shirt to him.

"Do you like this?" Yunho looked at the shirt, grabbed it from Seonghwa and threw it .

"Okay I guess not" Seonghwa picked up the shirt. He picked Yunho up again and he squealed loudly.

Seonghwa managed to buy a few things for Yunho and the others, including the new addition later. Once they finished buying all the stuff, Seonghwa brought Yunho back to the car and speed up to the centre.

Once he arrived, he parked the car and picked Yunho up and put him on his lap.

"Baby, we're gonna pick up your new brothers, can you be a good boy when we go inside? Can you let mommy hold them?" Seonghwa asked.

Yunho pouted as if he understood Seonghwa's words.

"It's just for a while baby, You'll get me to yourself when we get home okay?"

Yunho babbled and started making random noised while sucking on his fist. Seonghwa sighed and gave the pacifier to him. He started sucking on it happily,

"You're not even listening to me are you" He continued only to be ignored once again. He just picked the boy up and went inside.

"Oh, Mr.Park! Thank you so much for coming today,"

Seonghwa grinned and greeted her,"Of course, I accepted it so it's my responsibility now, "

"You're a great man, come let's meet the two troublemakers" She said while walking away.

Yunho bit down on Seonghwa's neck making the male flinched and looked down at him,
"What's that for?"

Yunho giggled and repeated the action, Seonghwa just let him be after the fifth bite.Once they've arrived, the first sound that Seonghwa heard was..

"Wooyoung ! No no no don't pull that!"

They went inside only to see a crawling baby and another baby that was... surprisingly strong, pulling on the tablecloth.

Seonghwa felt like he had seen that before.

"Mrs.Lee, here's Park Seonghwa, the nan I told you about,"

Seonghwa bowed down at the introduction of himself.

"Oh you're so young! Thank you for accepting our last minute request. I'm sorry if we are adding more burden in your family"

"ahh no, you're not burdening me at all, I'm more than happy to raise them" Seonghwa replied.

Yunho started wiggling in his hold, so much that he slid down from it. Seonghwa let Yunho go and watched him approach a baby that was crawling in a circle.

"He's still crawling?" Seonghwa asked,

"He can walk, he just loves to do that sometimes, That's Mingi by the way, and that one, that stubborn one is Wooyoung" Mrs.Lee pointed at the babies.

"They're cute" Seonghwa said.

"They're a handful, " Mrs.Lee sighed.

"Anyways,come let's get this over with" She said.

After all forms are filled, all necessities being told, Wooyoung and Mingi were finally coming home with them.<<

{ At this point I just want the boys to be here already so we can start the mess sksks, thank you if you make it this far)

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