{ iii }

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>> Seonghwa scrolled lazily through his computer, bored. Not having anything to do since he was given a break. Hongjoong was obviously at work, well, he's on the other room. He scrolled and scrolled until a very purple and pink website pops up.He frowned and clicked on it.

He read almost everything there was on the page and he could make sure that the requirement needed was there. He clicked here and there, eventually writing down the number on a paper and walking to find his phone. 

 When he couldn't find it he knew Hongjoong  must've taken it. So he went up to the male's office.

"Joongie? Did you take my phone?'' Seonghwa peeked inside the room and asked.

Hongjoong looked up and pushed his glasses up."huh? oh yeah here'' He opened his desk drawer and took out the phone.

Seonghwa walked and took it, "why do you have it anyways?"

"Ashley called, screaming threats and curses, I recorded it and transferred it already. I deleted her number and blocked her by the way so yeah. Move on.''

Seonghwa blinked and picked up his phone,"oo...kay? I'm gonna make some calls now"

"to who?"

"You'll know later"

Seonghwa walke dout and practically ran to his room. He jumped onto his bed and stared at the number on his hand. He dial it and waited,

"Adoption Network, Mrs. Lee talking, May I help you?"

"Hello, I have a few question to ask about the adoption"

"yeah, sure."





Hongjoong strecthed his body from working 6 hours straight on his chair. He blinked and took off his glasses and rubbing the tiredness away from his eyes. He got up, wanting to make some coffee before continuing his work.He walked by Seonghwa's room and overheard Seonghwa asking,

"where can I find a professional? Oh! thank you, yeah "

Hongjoong frowned, a professional? for what exactly? .He shrugged and went back to doing what he said he wanted to do. He took his coffee upstairs and went into his office, He looked up and almost spilled his coffee. Seonghwa was sitting on the couch in his office while grinning widely.

"okay, toothless what did you do this time?"

"Nothing bad I hope.." Seonghwa said and laughed awkwardly afterwards. Hongjoong sat in his spinning chair and went closer to Seonghwa. 

" what did you do? Who did you call just now?" He asked and took a sip.

" I called the adoption centre"

Hongjoong choked.

"who?! why?!" He asked hurriedly

"I...Want to adopt? but don't knwo how to? that's why I called them" Seonghwa answered as if it was very obvious.

Hongjoong breathed out. 

"okay, what do you want to adopt? a cat? a dog? and when? " He asked as he eyed Seonghwa.

"A one-year-old boy, possibly next month"

Hongjoong choked for real this time. He coughed a few times and Seonghwa reached over to pat his back.

'' Why.. Why do you wanna adopt a child?"

"Because....I don't know, I want a baby I guess. And I don't have a girlfriend anymore and you can't  have children,"

Hongjoong blinked as he took in the male's words.

'' okay I get the part where you want a baby  but you don't have a girlfriend anymore but what does that have to do with me being a normal man that can't have kids?!" Hongjoong rubbed his face.

"well, if you can I'm pretty sure you'll be carrying one right now," Seonghwa shrugged

Hongjoong gave him the 'are you kidding me' face

"what makes you think I want to carry your child?"

"You said you'll do anything for me," Seonghwa shrugged again and smiled.

Hongjoong rubbed his face and took a deep breath. "okay this is taking a very wrong turn, back to the adoption. I don't mind hwa, I'm pretty sure dad and mom wouldn't mind but.. are you sure? you know this could make it hard for you to find a lover right?and this is very sudden, are you sure you're prepared?"

Seonghwa sighed, "I'm fully aware of that joong, I want this. All I want to ask is your permission to adopt this child under my name and live under this roof with both of us, I can handle it. I'll take care of the baby's needs and clothing,foods and stuff. I promise" Seonghwa pleaded.

Hongjoong looked at the older male for a moment before taking Seonghwa's hand,

 " Register the kid under our name."

Seoghwa's eyes widen. "ar-are you sure?"

Hongjoong nodded, "I told you I'll do anything for you didn't I"

Seonghwa jumped on Hongjoong's lap hugging him tightly. 

"thank you," he breathe out.

Hongjoong returned the hug

"anything for you hwa. As long as you're happy I'm happy" Hongjoong responded.<<

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