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"Sangie!" Wooyoung shouted when He saw the boy walked into the living room. Yeosang ran to him and hugged him. Making both of them fell on the carpet floor.

"What you playing?" Yeosang asked.

"Cars! Will had an accident with San!" Wooyoung said.

Yeosang gasped and put his small hands over his mouth. "Where is san?"

"Don't worry Sangie! Yunho got San! Sannie is okay!" Wooyoung said with a smile and pat Yeosang's head.


Mingi came running with a cape on while holding a superman figurine.

"Fwoooosh~" and then he landed the superman besides Wooyoung's car. "Superman has arrive!!"

"Yeayy superman!!" Yeosang clapped his hands happily. San walked into the room with a small smile while holding Yunho's hand.
"Sannie is okay!" San exclaimed.

Wooyoung sprang up and hugged san. Yunho ran to the cars and started playing with them. The others joined a few moments after. Laughter and screams could be heard through the house. Seonghwa peeked inside the living room and smiled watching them play.

He walked back to the kitchen, took out a few ingredients to make brownies. He hummed softly but then felt a tug on his pants. He looked down and saw Jongho with a pacifier in his mouth,holding himself up with Seonghwa leg. Seonghwa chuckled and leaned down. Picked him up and sat him on the table. Jongho looked at the flour and tried to put his hand in the flour.

"Jonghoo" Seonghwa called in a playful tone. Jongho turned to him and giggled,pulling back his hand. Seonghwa turned and grabbed a cracker. He gave to Jongho and took out his pacifier. Jongho ate it while watching Seonghwa throwing and mixing stuffs in the bowl.

"Yunho!! Can you come here for a second?" He shouted . A few seconds passed and Yunho ran into the kitchen. He went to Seonghwa. Seonghwa crouched down and fixed the boy's messy hair, "can you bring Jongho to play with you guys? Mommy's cooking "

Yunho nodded "okay!" Seonghwa smiled and pecked his forehead, "thank you baby"  Seonghwa put Jongho down and Yunho grabbed his hand.
"Let's play jongho!". Jongho smiled and walked with Yunho,

Seonghwa smiled softly  and continued making brownies.

Yunho told Jongho to sit down when they arrived at the living room safely.

"Here you go!" Mingi handed him a car. Jongho stared at it and started pushing it on the carpet. He giggled when it moved and started to move it back and forth. Then he saw someone's foot. He moved the car to the foot and ran it over.  The person gasped and turned around.

"Jong!" Mingi laughed and took his own car, pushing it over Jongho's leg,making the boy laughed loudly, dropping his pacifier. The other took their cars and started running them over each others and laughing loudly. Yunho grabbed the pacifier and put it beside the tv.

Hongjoong suddenly walked into the room.

"Daddy!!!" 6 loud voices shouted, he closed his eyes and smiled, "Hey there" He sat on the floor beside his kids. They started showing him the cars and continued playing with each other. A certain boy climbed up on his lap. He placed Jongho properly on his lap and looked at his face. Sure enough, he's tired.

"You're sleepy aren't you? " Hongjoong said rubbing the boy's soft chubby cheeks with his fingers. "Hold on little guy, daddy get your milk okay?" He said laying Jongho down on the couch behind him. Jongho stayed there.

Hongjoong walked into the kitchen and saw Seonghwa on his phone and the oven running,
"Hwa?" Seonghwa looked up, "oh, hey" then he looked back on his phone.

"What are you cooking?" Hongjoong asked, while taking the bottle and the powdered milk in the cupboard.

"Brownies, I just had a sudden craving" Seonghwa said,putting his phone down and watching Hongjoong. He raised his eyebrow.

"Did Yeosang asked for that?"

Hongjoong looked at him, puzzled "no, it's Jongho"

Seonghwa chuckled and pointed at the bottle, "that's Yeosang's bottle, that one is Jongho's" he pointed at the blue bottle by the sink. Hongjoong looked down on the bottle he's holding, it's purple. He sighed. "Yeah"

He went and got that instead and started to actually make the milk "You're doing great joong, " Seonghwa suddenly broke the silence after a while of watching Hongjoong.

Hongjoong turned to him with a confused face, "okay where did that come from?"

Seonghwa laughed, "no I just want you to know that, that's all"

"Well thanks then, You're amazing at taking care of kids by the way." Hongjoong said.

Seonghwa brushed it off with a laughed. Suddenly, Yunho went to the kitchen holding a pacifier. He handed it to Seonghwa,
"It was on the floor"

Seonghwa smiled and ruffled his hair, "thank you baby". Yunho pouted.

Seonghwa raised his eyebrow, "WHAT wrong?" Yunho fiddled with his fingers, "can I get a kiss?" Seonghwa let out a soft 'awww' and picked Yunho up on his lap. "Of course!"

Then, he pecked Yunho's cheeks, eyes, forehead, nose and neck repeatedly, making the boy giggled loudly. Then, yunho latched himself on Seonghwa's neck "i love you mommy"

"I love you too baby" Seonghwa replied rubbing the boy's back. Hongjoong put his hands on his waist. "You said you love daddy!"

Yunho turned to him and laughed, "i love daddy too!"  Hongjoong crossed his arms.

"No, you said you love mommy, you can't love daddy too"

Yunho grinned, "of course I can!! I love mommy and daddy !! And woo, mingi, san, sangie and baby jongho!! I love grandma, grandpa, auntie Rosie and uncle Liam!! Yunho loves everyone!"

Seonghwa held the boy's cheeks and kissed his nose,"and we all love you too!". Hongjoong came closer to him and land a kiss on his cheek. Yunho did the same to him.

"I love you too buddy" Then he walked away to put Jongho to sleep. Seonghwa moved Yunho off his lap and washed the pacifier and went back to Yunho.

"Piggyback ?" Seonghwa asked. Yunho nodded and stood up on the chair. Seonghwa bent down a little and Yunho circled his arms and legs around Seonghwa's neck and waist. seonghwa grabbed his thighs and walked to the living room where everyone was.

He saw the boys sitting quietly with a movie on, it was a Disney movie. He sat down besides Hongjoong that was patting Jongho slowly, lulling him to sleep. Yunho got off his back and went to sit beside San. Immediately focusing on the movie.

Seonghwa rested his head on Hongjoong's shoulder and closed his eyes. Hongjoong pat his thigh and looked forward on the tv again.


Seonghwa hummed.

"You were cooking brownies..."

"I know"

"The oven dings long ago.."

Seonghwa sprang up and ran, ran for his brownies.<<

{A/n: how's everyone doing? Hope you're doing well!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, And i published a minhwa book so check it out if you want too! Love you guys!❤️}

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