{ XIX }

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>> "joong we gotta talk" Seonghwa said as he sat down on the couch in Hongjoong's office after putting the kids down for  a short nap.

"About?" Hongjoong said, still focusing on the laptop.


Hongjoong looked up and raised an eyebrow. "The kid's?"

"Yeah, They're turning five next year Joong. We haven't sign the kids up anywhere " Seonghwa said,pouting slightly. Hongjoong sighed. Walked to Seonghwa and sat beside him. He placed his hand on Seonghwa neck and rub it slowly.

"We can look for a kindergarten and sign them up easily, why are you so stressed about it? Is something bothering you hwa?" Hongjoong asked. Seonghwa looked at him, took Hongjoong's other hand and held it.

"Jongho will be fine right? I mean, the others are the same age,meaning that they'll be going to school at the same time.. Jongho's gonna be alone.. I'm just worried." Seonghwa said, not daring to look at Hongjoong. Hongjoong sighed.

"He'll be fine hwa, He will be a year late but they'll be in the same school, The boys can still look after each other. Don't worry too much, it's not good for you, now let's look for a kindergarten and sign them up okay?" Hongjoong assuredly replied. Seonghwa nodded and Hongjoong got up, grabbing his laptop and sat back down besides Seonghwa.

After a few minutes of searching and typing, they found one. They carefully read through the form and  found out that they have to go get the sign up form at the kindergarten. The turned off the laptop after scheduling a meet and sat back on the couch.

Hongjoong threw an arm behind Seonghwa and continue to stare into space.

"we have 6 kids.." Hongjoong trailed off.

Seonghwa scoffed,"you just realized that?"

"Not really  but yeah.. it's crazy" Hongjoong continued, a chuckle leaving his lips. 

"I've never been so happy before you know, but now  with the kids..and getting to look after them with you is making me really happy,thank you joong" Seonghwa said, focusing on Hongjoong at his last word. Hongjoong looked at him and stare into his brown eyes.

"don't thank me hwa, As long as you're happy, I'm happy as well" 

Seonghwa grinned, before he could even think twice, he leaned forward and pecked Hongjoong's cheek. Then, he backed away, pressing himself against Hongjoong,laying his head Hongjoong's shoulder and closing his eyes. Hongjoong ran his fingers through Seonghwa's hair.




"Okay so their food and snacks are on the table, Nap time is- wait I think we'll be back before that- Oh! and if Mingi pulls your pants give him the cracker on the fridge and if wooyoung cries give him to yeosang or San, San works the best but san cries too give both to yeosang, if all of them are crying leave them to yunho and gave them a cracker they'll quiet down. Jongho is still shy but just sing to him and he will open up more to you oh and Wooyoung is gonna demand for a bath so be prepared, and their clothes-

"Park seonghwa calm down, they know what to do,, they've been doing amazing for the past times we asked them to look after the kids, what can go wrong now" Hongjoong said, handing Jongho over to Chan's waiting arms. Chan made a surprise face and took him and lifted him up in the air. Jongho giggled. Chan pecked his cheek and put him down. He ran to his brothers.

Hyunjin chuckled,"We'll be fine hyung, You should go, the sooner you go the sooner you'll be back."

Seonghwa sighed"fine. But, If I come back and the kids started complaining you better prepare yourself."

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