{ XIV }

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{A/n : major time skip >-<}

>> 2 years later

"Mommy!!!! Mingi took shiber from me !!!" San's high pitched voice echo throughout the house. Seonghwa sighed and gave the sippy cup to the 3-years-old Jongho on the high chair,

"wait here okay? I'll be back" Seonghwa said,pecking the boy's head before walking to the living room where the bickering was happening.

he saw Mingi standing on the couch with shiber in his hand that was lifted up in the air while San desperately try to reach for his plush toy. Mingi was laughing loudly while San was close to tears. Seonghwa looked on the floor when he stepped in something wet, he saw milk spilled all over the floor. He walked closer to the boys and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Mingi, give me shiber and get down from there. You too San." Seonghwa said sternly to the boys. Mingi went quiet when he saw Seonghwa's hardened face and quietly went down, handing shiber over. San followed closely behind with tears filled and tired eyes. Seonghwa took shiber and crouched down to match their level.

"Who spilled the milk?" Seonghwa asked. 

Mingi and San pointed at each other.

"I didn't!" San exclaimed.

"You did! Mommy  he's lying!" Mingi exclaimed.

"Quiet both of you. Tell me who did it or you can't watch tv for the rest of the week" Seonghwa threaten. Mingi looked down and started kicking the air slowly. San looked at him and back at Seonghwa.

"Did you do it Mingi?" Seonghwa asked.

Mingi nodded. San just stayed silent while looking around.Seonghwa sighed, giving shiber to San "go to your room, mommy will be there soon okay?" He pat San's hair. San nodded and rushed upstairs. Mingi just watched San  climbed upstairs . 

"Mingi?" Seonghwa called.

Mingi didn't answer. He kept his head low, hands behind his back, his left leg repeatedly kicked the air. Seonghwa just watched in amusement. Mingi hardly ever lie. If he does, he will be busted in the next 5 seconds. Why? He felt guilty, which something Seonghwa was very thankful for. He accepts every punishments well because he knew his mistake.

Unlike a certain kid name Wooyoung.

"Why did you spill that Ming?" Seonghwa finally asked.

Mingi bit his lips, "sorry mommy..." he whispered,

"did you kicked it? when you were running around?" Seonghwa asked again. Mingi nodded.

"then why did you took shiber?"

Mingi fiddled with his fingers, "sannie said he want to tell mommy.."

Seonghwa pulled Mingi closer to him, "you didn't want him to tell me?"

Mingi nodded.He leaned forward and held Seonghwa's neck with his small arms. Hiding his face in Seonghwa's neck. "why?" Seonghwa asked, hugging the boy  back, rubbing his back softly. 

"because mommy gonna be mad at Mingi and-and mommy not gonna cuddle mingi anymore"

 He whsipered. Seonghwa felt his heart clenched. Yes he took of them but he never really spend time cuddling all of them one by one. Seonghwa could feel something wet and warm ran down his neck. He pulled away from the hug and looked at Mingi. Mingi looked down and continued to cry silently.Seonghwa wiped away his tears and straighten his body, holding him by the shoulders.

"Listen baby, next time, if something spilled or something breaks or fall, tell mommy or daddy okay? or You can ask Yunho to tell me. If you don't tell me, someone will fall and get hurt. Understand?" Seonghwa explained slowly while looking at MIngi.

Mingi looked at him, "hurt? why?"

Seonghwa smiled, "because it's wet and slippery. Remember when Yeosang fell last night?"

Mingi nodded,

"He fell because he ran away from daddy when daddy try to wipe him after bath. His feet were wet. That's why. Now, what will happen if Jongho walked there?" Seonghwa said pointing to the spilled milk.

"he will fall." Mingi said.

"exactly! so what should we do?" Seonghwa asked 

"clean" Mingi said with a pout, Seonghwa ruffled his hair,"will you help mommy?" 

Mingi nodded, Seonghwa picked Mingi up and walked to the kitchen to get a towel. He saw Jongho looking at him with wide eyes.

"mommy!" he called. Seonghwa smiled "yes?" 

"down?" he asked 

seonghwa put Mingi down and picked Jongho up, going to the living room and putting Jongho on the carpet and let him play. He went back and took a towel,handed them to Mingi while he grabbed another one and a small cup of water.

They started cleaning it and managed to get it done pretty quick. Seonghwa went to put the towels away and went back to Mingi  that was sitting on the couch. He grabbed Mingi hand,

"it's almost your nap time baby,Come on." Seonghwa said pulling Mingi along to make five bottles of milk.He gave a bottle to Mingi and told him to go to his room instead of Mingi's.He carried Jongho to Hongjoong's room. setting him beside his sleeping father. He rubbed Jongho's hair and woke Hongjoong up to look after him. That done, He went to Wooyoung and San bedroom and handed the bottles. The two took it and happily went to sleep. He went into Yunho and Yeosang room. He peeked in and saw Yunho playing while yeosang was fast asleep . 

"Yunho? It's nap time baby" Seonghwa said handing him the bottle. Yunho happily take it and lay down, he played with Seonghwa fingers with his left hand while the right held his bottle. Seonghwa softly caress Yunho's back when the boy turned around and watched he fell asleep.Seonghwa pulled away the bottle and setting it aside, pecking the boy's cheek before walking out to his room.

He saw Mingi laying down on his bed, drinking the milk slowly. He sat up when He saw Seonghwa walked in. Seonghwa turned the lights off and walked to the bed. He laid down on his side  beside Mingi and pulled Mingi close to him, keeping his hand on Mingi's back.He softly rubbed the boy's back and hair. 

"thank you for helping mommy clean baby,Mommy loves you okay? " He said softly to Mingi. 

Mingi smiled and scoot closer to him and handed him the bottle. Seonghwa set it aside and felt Mingi snuggling on his chest. He grabbed the boy and changed his position, letting the boy sleep on his chest instead. Seonghwa sighed and closed his eyes. 

"Mingi love mommy too" Seonghwa heard Mingi whispered. He smiled and peck the boy's head. Falling asleep along the boy.<<

{A/n:, is it just me or is this really bad }

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