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Hongjoong's phone rang, Shocking him. He was cleaning up his desk. He dusted off his hands and picked the phone up.


"Hello, It's Mrs.Kim, The boys' teacher. Am I talking to Kim Hongjoong?"

Hongjoong gulped,

"Yes, You are."

"Amazing! Uh.. can you come here right now? I'm afraid your little wooyoung had done something not very kind towards his classmate"

Hongjoong facepalmed and sighed,

"Sure, I'll be there in few minutes, I'm so sorry,"

"Oh it's fine, See you in a few"

Hongjoong bid her farewell and sighed again. He grabbed his coat and walked downstairs to see Seonghwa feeding Jongho.

"Hwa? Can you pack that up and feed him in the car? Something happened at the kindergarten, " Hongjoong explained quickly.

Seonghwa turned to him with a frown, "who?"


Seonghwa sighed and picked Jongho up, He gave him to Hongjoong and packed up the food Jongho was eating and grabbed his belongings before going out.

Hongjoong drove quickly yet safely and they arrived.

"Don't be too harsh hwa, listen to him" Hongjoong immediately said when he saw Seonghwa that was about to storm in and scold Wooyoung.

Seonghwa closed his eyes and sighed heavily, "alright I'll try. Stop me if I got too into it"

Hongjoong nodded and they both got down, Jongho holding Hongjoong's hand as he walked quickly.

Seonghwa knocked on the teacher's room door and peeked inside. Mrs.Kim smiled warmly and told them to come in.

Wooyoung and another boy was sitting across each other, Wooyoung had his head down while the other boy had a small tissues in his right nostril. Yeosang was besides Wooyoung, not crying, not talking. Typical yeosang. Seonghwa sighed and went to them.

"Woo?" He called softly. Wooyoung didn't look up. He turned his head away.

"Baby look at me, I'm not mad at you,Just tell mommy what happened" Seonghwa said softly whole caressing his hair.

"Wooyoung didn't mean it" he whispered.

Seonghwa sighed, knowing Wooyoung wouldn't tell him so he turn towards the teacher.

"What exactly happened ?"

"So, It seems like Jihoon, this small boy here said not so kind things towards his brother, Yeosang. He got mad and punched him not knowing that it would led Jihoon to have a bleeding nose"

Seonghwa frowned. "What is the 'not so kind things' he said to Yeosang?"

Mrs.Kim sighed, "I don't know how he knows this word and I don't know how Wooyoung understood what it meant. Jihoon called Yeosang a loner and an idiot."

Seonghwa was surprised. idiot is a common word kids threw but Loner? How did a 5 years old boy know the word?

"I see... Have both if them apologize?" Hongjoong asked. Jongho eventually got out his hold and ran towards Wooyoung. He hugged the male and kissed his cheek,drawing a small smile on his face. Yeosang patted Jongho's hair softly.

"No, they refused that's why i called you and Jihoon's parents here."

Seonghwa nodded "let's wait for them then"

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