{ X }

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Seonghwa and Hongjoong stood in front of the bedroom. Looking over the sleeping babies.

Seonghwa turned to Hongjoong and laughed. The male had his hair tied up, his face was blank. His eyes had black circles under them. His shoulders slouched and he just looked dead.

Hongjoong turned to him " you look exactly the same as me, you don't get to laugh at me"

Seonghwa wiped the tears that had formed in the corners of his eyes and smiled while taking a breath.

"Let's go take a nap" he said pulling Hongjoong's hand into his bedroom. He pushed Hongjoong on it before getting on the bed as well. They sighed and closed their eyes.

A cry broke through the silence. seonghwa shot up from the bed and ran to get whoever was crying to avoid making the others cry as well. He just scooped him into his arms, not knowing who it was and ran back into the room where Hongjoong fell asleep.

He sat down and rubbed the baby's back. He finally knew who it was when the boy rubbed his face into his chest. "What's wrong sangie?"

Seonghwa continued the motion for a while before realizing that Yeosang had fallen asleep again. He laid Yeosang beside Hongjoong and left the room. He went back to the kid's room and sat down. They had laid out a thick mattress and laid them in a row.

Wooyoung and Mingi surprisingly adjusted so well. Too well. To the point where everyone suddenly became restless, it was restless before too but not to this extent. Yunho had been way more clingy towards Seonghwa, Yeosang had started to cling to Wooyoung. San and Mingi clicked so easily. Hongjoong always asked Seonghwa if that's a bad thing or not. Neither of them knew the answer yet.

Seonghwa laid down beside Yunho, using his arm as a pillow. He gently caress the little one's face. Smiling at how soft it was. He leaned forward and kissed his nose. Making the baby moved. He stopped moving and watched Yunho. Yunho moved and opened his eyes, looking around, he was about to cry when Seonghwa put his hand on Yunho's stomach. Yunho turned to him and smiled.

Seonghwa smiled and picked him up and settled him on his chest. Patting his back, lulling him back to sleep. Once Yunho was asleep, he fell asleep too. Seonghwa admitted it. He might favour Yunho a bit too much.




"Mingiii!!! No baby! That's not food!" Seonghwa exclaimed watching the baby put a toy in his mouth.

He quickly grabbed it and Mingi giggled, waddling back to San. San was staring at Wooyoung. While Wooyoung stared right back at him. San lifted his small hand and pat Wooyoung's cheek. Wooyoung giggled and started to babble.

Hongjoong walked into the living room with a bun in his hand. He gave them to Seonghwa

"Eat while you still have the time" He said with a blank face and bit the bun in his hand before walking away, "I'm gonna take a shower,"

Seonghwa just accepted it without much thought and started eating it. Suddenly, something collided with his back. He turned around, still chomping on his bun, and saw Yunho grabbing the back of his shirt. He instantly smiled. Yunho grinned and mumbled something in his own language.

"Hello baby," He said and grabbed Yunho and put him on his lap. Yunho just sat there watching Seonghwa eat. Sometimes touching Seonghwa's hand and hugging him.  Seonghwa leaned down and pecked his head, smelling the strawberry scent od his shampoo. Yunho tried reaching for the bread but Seonghwa lifted it away, "nope, this is mine".

Yunho pouted but didn't cry . Seonghwa chuckled and teared a very small piece off. He put it in Yunho's hand. Yunho put it in his mouth. A few second later he was drooling over himself, pushing the bun out of his mouth. Seonghwa caught it.

"See? You don't like it" He said while reaching for the tissue.

Suddenly, "Hwa! I gotta go, I'll text you later" Hongjoong shouted from the stairs and bolted out, not explaining why.

Seonghwa just watched and picked up his phone, texting him,

Drive slowly, Be careful.

"What the heck happened?" Seonghwa asked himself.<<

{Hello, Hope you enjoy this chapter as well, oh and beware, we are gonna go through some major time skip soon ( ╹▽╹ ) }

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