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Soonyoung slammed his phone onto the table in front of him. He stood still, hands on his waist as he stared down the man in front of him.

"What the fuck is this". He spat,voice laced with anger.

Aiden lifted an eyebrow at him. "What?"

Soonyoung scoffed, "Don't pull that shit on me. You went missing for two days and the parents received a video of their own child getting molested?! If you want out then just spit where they are right now!"

Aiden frowned and picked up the phone, his face fell when he saw it. He let out a breath he did not know he was holding.

"That bitch." He whispered.

"You mean Ashley?" Soonyoung asked, eyeing Aiden's reaction.

Aiden froze and whipped his head to the police officer,"How the fuck"

Soonyoung sighed and sat down. "She was one of the parents Ex. That's it. She sent this to them"

Aiden huffed. Running his hands over his face and hair. "Look man. I know I can just give you the address and all but What I can't do is risk the kids there not just these three. The eldest ran last night and no one found him yet, That's how huge the fucking shithole is. You attack one side, they'll flock to the other side just easily. "

Soonyoung groaned in frustration. "You seem to be going in and out just fine though? The security must be weak huh"

Aiden scoffed,"weak? More like disgustingly tight, cameras everywhere, bodyguards left and righf on every entrance- you know what give me your notepad I'll draw it. Maybe you can figure out what to do while I keep the boys safe"

Soonyoung gave it to him after a moment of hesitation. He watched as Aiden started drawing and focusing on recalling his memory of the place. He turned the page and eventually just decided to wirte a brief address of the place.

He slid the notepad back to Soonyoung once he was done. "There. Figure it out."

"Okay first of all what the fuck. Second of all, 'fugure it out'? How do I even begin? Seems like you're not that eager to leave huh?" Soonyoung voiced out, anger rising again.

"Listen here man, You can start working on it and get it going or We can stay here talking like two old friends while those kids get raped by old men. Your choice, man" Aiden shrugged to him.

Soonyoung reached forward and grabbed his shirt by the neck, pulling his face closer to his. "Listen here you son of a bitch, you go back there and make sure that sorry excuse of a woman don't lay any fingers on the kids. Then,you're gonna meet me back here tomorrow. Understood?"

Aiden raised his hands up,"Woah there, First of all, I've been trying to do that and second, Nope. No can do. Tomorrow is the big day"

Soonyoung scowled,"Big day? What Big Day?"

Aiden grabbed the hand on his shirt,"If you wanna hit. Tomorrow might be the chance. It's a sales day. All kids discounted. "

Soonyoung released him with a push. Turning around with one hand on his waist while the other ran in his hair. Realizing just how riduculous the situation is, he forced out a dry chuckle.

"You knew about this day all along and just decided to tell me a day before? Which side are you on really?" He asked, glaring at the seated man.

Aiden shook his head,"this was new. Not scheduled, nothing. She's aiming for the oldest boy."

Soonyoung cursed under his breath. "God damn it."

Aiden rises from his seat."Gotta run. The show's about to start,"

Soonyoung grumbled and rolled his eyes watching the man walk away. Aiden then stopped in his tracks. He turn around.

"I won't let San out of my sight. " he said,loud enough for only both of them to listen. Soonyoung nodded at him. He turned around and make his way back to his car where Minho was waiting.

"So?" Minho asked, sucking on his lollipop, leaning on the steering wheel.

Soonyoung sighed, "got an address. We can hit tomorrow but it's fucking risky. I hate this"

Minho nodded,"well, better tell chief"

Soonyoung nodded and buckled up while Minho drove out of the parking lot.


{A/n: this suck so bad and short lmfao I apologize😭 Feels kinda rushed too. I'll see what I can do 😭}

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