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>> Yunho walked into the room he was told to go into, he looked around and saw that the room was quite nice, too big for him alone but it was probably huge enough for  one big family. He walked towards the bed, noticing a huge mirror on the wall right in front of the bed. He looked at his outfit, red buttons up, black shorts with thigh high socks that made him ten times uncomfortable and he wasn't given any shoes.

He sat on the edge of the bed, pulling on the stockings while muttering as to why he was here. He was cleaned up roughly, his wounds took over half an hour to stop bleeding and they took Yeosang away. He closed his eyes as he felt tears welled up in them. He stared at himself in the mirror, pinching his own cheeks, and sighing before throwing his hands up and falling back onto the bed.

"Well, well, that's a nice view," A voice came from the door.

Yunho sat up and immediately got off the bed. A man walked into the room, locking the door. Yunho took a couple steps away when the man approached him. The man loosen his tie and threw it away, unbuttoning a few of his buttons and rolled up his sleeves. He had a white mask covering his mouth and nose. White gloves covering his long define fingers. He walked over to Yunho when Yunho stood frozen on the ground. 

He grinned under the mask. He threw Yunho over his shoulder and threw him on the bed.


Yunho froze. The man took a red cloth and  handcuffs, along with a few contraptions Yunho have never seen before. He grabbed Yunho and lifted his head, Tying the red cloth around his eyes, blocking Yunho's vision. He handcuffed Yunho and tied him on the bed.  Yunho flailed around, pulling on the chains that were tying him to the bed. 

The man grabbed his wait, preventing him to move, "I said. stay. One more word or you move, I'm putting the gag on you"

Yunho didn't even know what that means. He was terrified that he stopped moving and kept on crying silently. The tears wouldn't stop. Neither was the hands of the man he never even knew the name of. He didn't know what was happening, why his attire were taken off. Why this man was hovering over him.

All he could do was cry and plead the man to stop. which went unheard.




Aiden pulled his hoodie and mask up, covering himself as he walked along the road, glancing around once in a while. He walked through the road he grew familliar with.Sighing, he shivered when the cold night breeze hit him. His feet dragged heavily as He looked up in the sky and threw his keys up and down repeatedly. Slowing down, he shoved his hand down his pockets and pulled them out, 

Pockets jutting out, keys tucked on his fingers, he raised his hand in the air, surrendering. 

"I got nothing. " He said, stopping in his tracks. He turned and met Soonyoung eye to eye. 

Sooyoung put his gun back into its case cautiously and scanned Aiden. He walked closer , Stopping right in front of him. Aiden smirked and chuckled,eyes raking up and down over Sooyoung's build,  "why hello there." He raised an eyebrow.

Soonyoung scoffed while rolling his eyes and stepped back, "who are you, how did you get my number and why did you contact me?"

Aiden cleared his throat and dropped his hands. "well, the name's Aiden, you don't wanna know and Don't you want kids back?" he tilted his head while smirking.

Sooyoung snapped at the mentioned of the kids and lunged forward, grabbing Aiden's by the collar of his hoodie, Aiden raised his arms again,  "where the fuck are they" Soonyoung said with a gritted teeth.

"easy there, I'm here to help alright?" Aiden said. Soonyoung glared at him fir a while, throwing him away. Aiden staggered,quickly finding his balance again.  He looked up and saw Soonyoung holding the gun up to his face once again. He sighed.

"Listen man, I know You're hot alright?  let's talk nicely 'kay? I don't have the energy for this," Aiden sighed. He looked at his watch, 4 a.m. 

it should've ended by now huh?

"Now, we ran out of time already, I gotta go before your beloved children are caught by more predators. I'll contact you tomorrow, we'll talk then. " He turned to walk away  but stopped and raised his hands, yet again at the sound of a gun cocking, He turns to face Soonyoung again with a heavy sigh. "What is it?"

"What the fuck dude? You can't just run your mouth and then run away just like that, how the fuck am I gonna sleep tonight?"

Aiden sighed and walked towards Soonyoung, A little to close, Soonyoung backed away awkwardly, "I have a loaded gun, Aiden" . Aiden smirked and turn the gun upwards before leaning forward, pecking Soonyoung on the lips. Soonyoung back away and put the gun to Aiden's face.

"I have all the answer to your questions, shoot me and the children die. Your choice" He threatened while grinning. Soonyoung felt his brow twitch. Grunting, he put the gun down and sighed, "tomorrow,  at 2 , this place. don't fucking run away again" 

Aiden clicked his tongue and winked before turning around. As soon as he turned around, his smile dropped as his eyes burn with hatred and the urge to save the children, not only the brothers, Everyone there. He quickened his pace.



San curled himself into a ball while bawling his eyes out.  "mommy, daddy" 

He kept on crying and screaming into the sheets. Afraid to let his voice out loud, remembering what just happened when he screamed for his life.

slap after slap, hit after hit, that was what it took for San to finally realized that making such noise was forbidden, even when you're in pain. 

"That's a good boy" A man, naked, possibly 40 or older said with a disgusting grin on his face. He grabbed San's face and whispered, " I didn't pay 600 thousand for you be a whiny bitch now did I?"

San shook violently, The man's face was close, too close for his liking. He tried pushing the man away, but what could those small arms  do anyways? He's only five. Crying again, he begged 

"S-stop, I- I don't like this, I-It hurts" 

another slap. San bit his lips and shut his eyes.

"what did I say about talking?"

"n-not t-to. I'm sorry" San whispered. Shutting his eyes as tight as he can he sobbed as he felt the man's hand roamed all over his fragile, small body.

San heard the door opened, he immediately hid under the covers while shaking harshly. He felt the bed dipped, a few seconds after, he felt a warm hand on his head. 

"Hey, come out, It's me" Aiden spoke calmly.

San peeked a little, once he saw Aiden's soft smile he got out and lunged towards the man, hugging him tightly.  Crying into Aiden's shoulder, he couldn't even mutter a word.

"Shhh, it's scary, i know, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" He patted the boy's back softly. With each cry and each pat, he felt his anger grew more and more.

I'm gonna fucking kill you 



{ A/N: hello dearest babies! I am back! Thank you for the warm wishes and support. thank you for being patient with me, Here you go! an update. My heart breaks so many times but Aiden and Soonyoung tho 🤫. 

Happy Eid Mubarak to my Muslim readers!, and please take care of yourself1 I love you! see you on another chapter!!!! <3 ,<3}

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