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San squinted his eyes as he was opening them, the blazing light striked through his eyes as soon as he regained consciousness. He looked to his left and right and saw no one, He was laying down on a very soft bed.He tried to move his arms but the realized it was chained to the bed, and so were his legs. He started to shake in fear once again but a voice broke him out of his trance.


San whipped his head to the sound tried to curl into himself but failed, all due to the chains. The man slowly approaches him, "no no it's okay, I'm not gonna hurt you, I'm just here to get you ready"

"r-ready f-for w-what?" San asked, voice husky as he was screaming a few hours ago.

The man smiled bitterly, "You'll know later, Come on let's wash up a little"

The man proceed to take off the chains and carried San to an attached bathroom, 


"Yes, San?"

"where are we?" He asked, eyes roaming around the bathroom as he was put down in the counter.

"somewhere far, away from the people" He answered and proceed to fill the tub with water.

"even m-mommy and d-daddy?" San asked, tearing up. The man get to him and pinched his cheeks, he didn't respond. San watched as the man picked out a black gloves and wore them.

"that still hurts?" He asked, motioning to the wounds he got earlier. San nodded weakly. Them man sighed and muttered under his breath "that lunatic"


"yes?" He asked with a smile and trapped san between his arms on the counter. Leaning closer to his face.

"Why are you nice?" San asked while tilting his head, the man smiled and blew soe air onto San's face, tickling him, "I'm not nice, people here aren't nice" 

San frowned, "but you are!" The man laughed and pat San's head. "okay okay, let's wash you up before we both get scolded" Them man then lifted San up again and put him in the tub, carefully washing him, San hissed a few times when he wash the wounds, he may had cry but the man made sure he was fine before continuing the wash. 

After all was done, he dried San off and told San to wear his 'uniform'. Which consist of a white buttons-up with a tie ,a pair of black shorts  along with black shoes. His hair was comb down neatly.

"Let's go" The man grabbed San's hand and lead San to a very dark place. It was a very long walk, the hallway was dark, there were only small lights lit up on the wall along with some small windows for air. The silence was eerie, There was silent ringing inside San's ear that's making his small legs tremble in fear. San's grip on the man's hand tightened and he grabbed his pants. "I'm scared"

The man stopped, got down on one knee and rub San's head, He sighed, "I'm sorry, San. I'm really sorry."

"Mister why are yo-"

The man hushed him, "My name is Aiden, San. Remember that, " Aiden pull down his collar, San's eyes widen at the mark, it's the same as his yet it was as if the mark had blended with the skin. San softly touch it, "can you read it?"

"m-murder, 1? what is that?" San asked, confused. Aiden smiled and pull him close. "I will pick you up when everything is over. I promise". San hugged Aiden's neck. "no, w-where are you going?  D-don't leave me! please, I'm scared!''

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" And with that final apology. Aiden carry San, into a cage, huge enough to fit three male wolves, he shut the cage and locked them. "I'm sorry" He mouthed. San stood up and shook the cage's bars. 

"No! Mister!! Aiden!! Help me!!" San screamed as he felt the cage started to move Aiden turn around and proceed to walk back to his regular position. His steps fill the silent hallways with echoes, shaking his head a little to forget about the young boy that was gonna get a one hell of trauma that will never leave him for the rest of his life in matter of minutes. 

Taking a deep breath. He stopped in front of a huge metal door. Two guards stood firm on the sides, opened the door for him and let him through,  he stepped in, taking off his regular gloves, he changed it into a black rubber gloves. 

He walked towards the chair. On the chair, seated one person, shaking and trembling in fear, his face was busted, filled with blood, Aiden grabbed his chin and lifted his face up, 
"what an unsightly face". A man holding a tray appeared on his side,  he examined the daggers, guns and many other torture devices on it, He lifted his eyebrow and took a gun. 

He looked at the guy on the chair, up and down. Gazing his eyes at the wounds on the pretty boy's face and body, from the still open wounds that was dripping in blood, to the shirt that was soaking in the blood. Even the oants were soaked in blood.

Aiden took out his fold knife, unfold it and crouched down. He put the knife under the man's chin and lifted it up, only to see the man sobbing, tears mixing with the blood.

"I'll do anything! I swear! let me go please! please.." The person begged for his life, Aiden fold his knife back up and smirked.

"now that's what I wanted to hear." Aiden set the gun back and took  small knife, "you, are gonna tell me, where the Kim Hongjoong is

Hyunjin's face paled.


San sat in the cage, sobbing as he called Aiden's name over and over again. He looked besides him and saw three more cages, with boys the same age as him, wearing the same thing as him, had the same mark as him, it was almost like looking into a mirror.

"h-hey! w-where a-are we g-going?!" San shouted,

the other boys looked at him for a moment before looking away. 

"shut up" one of the boys said, and before San could even ask why, 

The curtains  opened.

San squinted his eyes from the sharp lights, when his vision focused again, he saw audience, a lot of them, men, women, old,young, extravagant, laid back, They're all were wearing suits and dresses, and different kind of masks.

San's breath quickened, he saw a man came onto the what San found out to be,  a stage, holding a microphone. 

"Good evening everyone, As you may see, we have  a new and fresh face here," 

San froze, is he talking about him?

"now... Let's start the show!"<<

{A/n: hello everyone! how are you doing?? I was really excited while writing this, i'm not the best at these type of books but i wanted to try anyways! hope you like it! what do you think? 

as always! drink your water, eat some food! and don't push yourself too hard okay? I'm proud of you! always am! and I love you!! 

Have good day/night!! it's currently 1.35 a.m for me lmao i need to sleep ahah byee love y'all!!!! }

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