{ VIII }

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>>.  "Thank you Mr.Park, I'm sorry for disturbing you and your family,"

  "Oh no, It's okay. I'm glad I could help"

"I'll call you if there's update about the boys, See you."

  "Yeah, sure. See you "

Seonghwa sighed as he put down the phone. He walked to Hongjoong's office and plopped on the couch. Hongjoong lifted his eyebrow at him.

  "What did you do this time?" Hongjoong asked.

  Seonghwa rubbed his face and groaned.

"what's wrong? Did you agree to have more kids or what?" Hongjoong said jokingly while chuckling at the older.

"I did..." Seonghwa whispered.

  "What?!" Hongjoong exclaimed.

"Be quiet! The kids just went to sleep"Seonghwa hissed .

    Hongjoong groaned, "how many?"

  Seonghwa threw his head back, "two.."


  " They recommend me to them, Not knowing you live with me. So basically all they knew I have one son." Seonghwa sighed.

   "I swear to god. This is the last time okayy? I don't know how we are gonna handle five kids. Don't even think about another one" Hongjoong said.

  "Well i certainly will not think about having another one after the other two, It's you. Say that to Yourself too" Seonghwa glared at him

   "I told you I won't! I will never get anothe- oh hi baby"

   Seonghwa sit up properly and looked at the door. The door opened slowly and to reveal Yeosang, with his blanket in his mouth walking slowly towards his father. Hongjoong got up and picked him up. He moved to sit beside Seonghwa.

   Yeosang snuggled into Hongjoong's chest and stayed still.

  "How did he get out of bed?" Seonghwa asked Hongjoong slowly.

  Hongjoong looked at him and shrugged.

   Seonghwa immediately ran towards his room where he put the babies to sleep. He gasped .

     Yunho was laying on the floor, like a starfish while San was beside him, laying in his stomach.

Thank god he decided to put a wide mattress on the floor .

   He went to the boys and picked San up, putting him back on the bed and then doing the same to Yunho. He looked at both of them and sighed.

"You're just one year old, turning two in a few months, how wild are you gonna get when you're five?" Seonghwa talked to himself.

   He got up and went to the bathroom to wash his face a little.

    He walked out and saw Yunho sitting up while blinking softly, rubbing his small fists on his eyes.

  "Aww baby" Seonghwa cooed .

  He moved forward and picked Yunho up,

"Did you sleep well ?" Seonghwa asked. Yunho just yawned and put his head on Seonghwa's chest.

    "Well guess you did," He took one last look at San and pat his head.

Suddenly he smelled something. He turned to Yunho and he just stared back at him.

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