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>> Yeosang wailed as he was taken down from the stage. He thrashed in the person's hold. He was set down on a hard chair and immediately,his arms were handcuffed and tied to the chair. He looked up and saw Ashley's face.

Ashley was furious, dissapointment and rage was clearly shown on her face. She was pacing back and forth in front of Yeosnag, blabbering loudly about how Yunho was her trump card, her golden ticket, her son . Yeosang curled up into himself as he felt tears welling up. He whimpered when he felt the rope breaking his skin. Ashley whipped her head and slowly turnes to Yeosang.

"Why are you crying?" She asked. Yeosang shook his head.

She gripped Yeosang's hair, "I said  Why are you crying!" She screamed in front of Yeosang's face. Tears finally dripped down on his face as the back of his head burn.

"Mama." On of the men called her, she turned to them, "what?!"

"You're getting mad at the wrong person ,Mama" Another one spoke up, Ashley scoffes and let go of Yeosang's hair harshly causing him to lose the balance and fell to his side,bringing the chair with him.

Ashley grimaced and shouted,"Someone get him up! And the wrong person?! Damn right!I should be mad at you, incompetent,ungrateful son of bitches!"

Aiden who was watching silently,went and raise Yeosang back upright in his chair. Patting the back of the boy's head,soothing the pain slightly. Yeosang sniffled silently.

"And would you stop fucking crying! For fuck's sake!," Ashley turned back to him. Eyes blaring with rage. Yeosang bit down hard on his lips to try and silent his cries.

"He's a child, what do you expect?" Aiden spat out. Ashley turned to him. "You. You have been at my neck these past few days about these boys. You planned this didn't you? You told the boy to run didn't you?!"

By the time she was done accusing him, she was an inch away from him, pointing her long nails at him. He pushed her hand away and frowned.

"What for? Is there really a reason for me to be scheming shit like this? Have I not been obeying your orders this whole time?"

Ashley straightened up," I don't know. You tell me, Aiden."

Aiden scoffed, "What? You think these boys mean something to me? Come on. They don't mean shit but profit to me, I work for you remember?,"

Ashley laughed "oh yeah? You're that big now huh, talking back? Fine then. That boy-" she pointed towards Yeosang who was not looking at them anymore.

"Take him back with you to the Red Room. Prove that he doesn't mean shit to you, Then I'll consider not blowing your head up." She said. Aiden was shocked but managed to control his expression. He smirked.

"Fine then. What do you want? Video? Audio?,or do you want to be there instead?" He was challenging his luck, he knows. But he need to prove his worth to avoid any suspicions.

Ashley licked her lips,"I got a video already," she said, turning her monitor to show Aiden. Aiden gritted his teeth when he saw San on the bed with a man. God knows what he was doing to him. He rolled his eyes. "So? Nothing?"

Ashley chuckled, "Bring him back to me with marks,darling. Mark him up for mama won't you," Ashley smiled with her disgustingly sweet smile.

Aiden shrugged. "Sure, why not, on one condition."

Ashley mentioned for him to go on.
"Just me and him. Take your dogs somewhere else. I don't want them prying on us,"

Ashley scoffed,"Fine. But the cctv stays.on."

Aiden rolled his eyes before walking towards Yeosang and muttering an annoyed,"of course"

When Aiden liftes Yeosang back up on his shoulder, he walked towards the door,
"Have fun my baby!!!!" Ashley called out, making Yeosang and Aiden shiver in disgust.

Aiden walked slowly, once they were out of earshot, he whispered, "Yeosang?"

They boy didn't answer him,"Sangie? I need you to listen to me,"

Yeosang gave a slow hum, exhausted from his cries earlier.

"I'm gonna do some things that you won't like and it will hurt, I promise it won't take long. Do you trust me, Yeosang?" He said as softly as he can.

Yeosang jerked up at that. Looki at Aiden directly into his eyes, "I-I'm scared" he whisperes.

"I know baby, I know. I'll be there the whole time, I'll try not to make it too painful okay?"

"I want Yunnie," he cried out. Aiden pat his back, "i know. You'll see him soon okay?" He whispered.

Finally arriving at the room. He took a deep breath. Holding Yeosang firmly, he caressed the pretty boy's hair softly, "I'm so sorry baby. I'm so sorry" Yeosang tightened his hug and hid his face in Aiden's neck.

Aiden exhaled shakily and opened the door. He walked towards the bed,dropping Yeosang harshly on it. He walked towards the cupboard where he knew hold different ropes, leather, chains, cuffs and other disgusting toys.

He grabbed one pair of cuffs, ones he knew that wont hurt him too much. Picked out a collar and a whip.

He walkes back to Yeosang, ripping his shirt open, causing the boy to whimper and jerked away. "Stay still" he said sternly.

He locked the cuffs and collar in place whisperinh apologies as he did so. He stood back up once he was done. Turning to look at the security camera where he knew Ashley was looking.

He turned back to Yeosang, tightening his grip on the whip.

"Let's get this over with shall we?"



Yeosang was sobbing, shaking and screaming even when it was over. Aiden picked him up. The poor boy screamed louder when Aiden's arms brushed against his newly bruised and wounded back.

Aiden marched down the stairs in a hurry, after receiving the okay from Ashley. He knew Ashley was satisfied. He walked down to the room that Yeosang was in for his dolling up and 'service'.

He muttered apologies after apologies to Yeosang. He put the boy down on the bed. Gently this time. He rushed to the bathroom, taking a towel and wetting them.

He walked back towards Yeosang, wiping the dried blood off his body. He rushed back to retrieve some ointment and apologised before he applied them.

Once that done, he dressed the boy into a simple t-shirt. He sat in front of Yeosang, waiting for the boy to calm down. Not making any advances to hug him even though it was killing him. He knew he shouldn't. He probably lost his trust already. He fucked up. Big time. He rubbed his face with both of his hands, cursing himself.

His train of thoughts was interrupted when he felt small hands clawing at his own, taking them away from his face. He looked at Yeosang as the boy crawled and landed onto his lap.

"Please hug me" Yeosang whispered. Aiden was quick to hug him, minding the injured back. Yeosang stayed there until he fell asleep.

Maybe I still have a chance<<


{I apologize for how this story suddenly turns out}

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