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>> As Seonghwa said, he was preparing for the little boy the whole month. He thought it was easy but oh boy was he wrong. He got a professional that everyone needed to adopt to explain things that should be done and should not be done.

For example, the adoption center sent a few men to look around the big house to see if there were things that could harm the child.
And the questions. Oh god. The never ending questioning sessions.

They asked about his work, about his background, any criminal records, any deadly diseases.Is he mentally stable, can he actually afford to take care of the child. He was asleep for 12 hour after that session ended. Then, he was told to do a health check-up in order to be sure he didn't have any diseases . Both him and Hongjoong.

They actually thought that this child was better to be under Seonghwa's name for now. In case they want another, they could use Hongjoong's name. But the fact that Hongjoong is living under the same roof, they had to do the same.Besides, Seonghwa would technically be a single parent and Hongjoong was registered as the child's guardian if Seonghwa wasn't available.

What Seonghwa went through, was what Hongjoong went through as well. It felt like it's gonna take a whole year to just adopt one child. But with the professional explaination, if it's the first time then it's gonna be very very complicated but the second or third might not be as complicated, depends on the child they are adopting.

Seonghwa finished the home study with the social worker that help educate him on parenting. He  decided to just get the children from the waiting list, most of them was either an orphan or was put up on the list by their parents. Well, The one Seonghwa had his eye on was a very interesting case.

His mother died a few months after he was born so his father took care of it. But the father just left it in front of the adoption center door and left the child with the birth certificate and clothes, bottle, and a family portrait of three of them. The father was then tracked down but the police found out he threw himself into the river a week after the investigation started.

No one knows how to explain it to the little boy when he started asking about his parents but they'll cross that bridge when they got there. Seonghwa had seen the boy's picture and he's so whipped. He can't stop looking at it . He doesn't even understand. He never had the need to have a child. It just came to him all of the sudden. But he knew he was making a very wise choice. Giving the baby a chance to have a family.

He smiled as he thought if that before he was called to continue the study. He groaned and went back to Hongjoong and the person that was in charge.

It felt like a year but a few months passed and now that's all left for Seonghwa to get the baby was to but the necessities and eventually signed the papers to get the baby.

He sprayed cologne all over himself before went to check on Hongjoong, once they both were done, they went out to the mall to find some stuff for the baby. Clothing, A crib, some decorations maybe.

They don't have to worry about money. They were both loaded on their own. Hongjoong works and Seonghwa also work. Even though they worked for their father, Their father never let them have the easy job, he made them work from the bottom to gain their part today. The house was bought by their father but was placed under their name. He said it was a gift. He handled everything starting from the renovation, the furniture and the bills.

After their discussion about adopting a baby, They made a small deal. All three of them will handle the bills in turns. That way it's a bit fair. Considering they are gonna grow. Their father quickly agreed. Which they were relieved about.

With a wide smile, Seonghwa walked to inside the mall, hands to linked with Hongjoong as they choose the stuffs for their new family member. Oh he would be so spoiled.<<

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