Ten: Blue Waters

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Two peaceful days flew by much too quickly. Isabelle woke up somewhat early one morning in Ginny's room, who was still fast asleep in her own bed snoring. She knew that most of the Weasley children were not morning people, and she wouldn't dare try to wake one up after almost getting hexed once by a half-asleep Fred in her fifth year when he had fallen asleep on the sofa in the common room.

Isabelle picked up some shorts and a thin top from her trunk, already beginning to feel the summer heat early in the morning, and quietly left towards the bathroom to get dressed.

Once she was changed, she went downstairs to find Molly cooking breakfast while Bill sat at the table casually, talking to her about work. Isabelle smiled softly at the sight. She always admired how close Bill was with his mother and how much he looked up to her.

Bill noticed Isabelle enter and stopped mid-sentence, looking at her up and down as a cheeky grin spread across his face. Isabelle blushed lightly under his gaze as she made her way towards them. Bill reached out for her hand and pulled her towards him and onto his lap in one swift motion.

Isabelle giggled softly. "Good morning."

"Morning," Bill pecked her cheek softly. "You look lovely today."

"Really? I was honestly going for more of an ugly troll look today."

Bill chuckled and shook his head. "You couldn't pull that off if you tried."

"Maybe not, but you certainly could. This hair of yours is looking absolutely ridiculous this morning." Isabelle said, brushing her fingers through the long strands.

"Good luck trying to convince him to cut it. I've been trying for years." Molly said, glancing at her son.

Bill rolled his eyes playfully. "Don't lie, you like it."

Isabelle nodded. "You're right, I do. At least when you bother to brush it in the morning." She moved a strand away from his face.

Bill pulled her in for a soft kiss, which she happily returned. After a moment, they heard Molly clear her throat but held a bright smile on her face.

"If you two could set the table for me that would be lovely," Molly said.

The couple nodded and rose from their shared seat. Bill placed plates down at each spot at the table and Isabelle followed behind him with cups and utensils.

"I heard about the things Fred and George have been working on. If you like your hair color or want to keep in your breakfast, I suggest sitting far from them." Bill murmured, taking the last cup from her and setting it down.

"Oh trust me, I learned that years ago," Isabelle said. "They once made me grow a tail after putting something in my food in the Great Hall. I was very close to being expelled for attempted murder."

"Yeah, that sounds like my brothers." Bill smiled, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her close. "Though I bet you looked adorable."

Isabelle smacked his arm playfully. "It was awful. They refused to fix it so I had to go to the hospital wing. It was so embarrassing."

"Isabelle Clarke, running around with a little curly pig's tail, what a sight I would pay to see," Bill said, letting out a dramatic, fake-dreamy sigh.

"Shut up," Isabelle said but kept her smile. Bill put his hands up in defense, taking a small step back from her.

"Bill, go wake up your brothers and Ginny for breakfast, please," Molly said, and Isabelle helped her start carrying food to the table. Bill grumbled quietly and left the room up the stairs.

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