Thirty Four: Quidditch Beaters

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The following three days only stressed out the students more than ever. It was like Umbridge wanted nothing more than to crush all joy that they could feel while at Hogwarts.

First, on Monday, she made another decree that disbanded all clubs and groups, including Quidditch, which did not go over well with just about anyone. Like Harry, Isabelle thought that someone must have snitched to Umbridge about the meeting at Hogsmeade, but Hermione had put a jinx on the parchment that they all signed where she could surely tell if someone told and who it was.

In order for clubs to reform, they had to get permission from Umbridge, and she surely wouldn't approve a new Defense class, especially not one taught by Harry Potter. The Quidditch captains were the first to go to her as soon as she made the announcement, and Angelina Johnson was absolutely fuming during the seventh year charm class Isabelle was teaching because Umbridge immediately approved Slytherin's team but not Gryffindor.

There was also the problem of Harry's owl becoming injured, and it was likely that she was attacked to intercept Harry's letters to Sirius. Of course everyone in the Order had been informed to be careful when sending important information via owls, but Isabelle had no idea to what extent Umbridge had been checking them. She really didn't want to imagine Umbridge's face if she were to read some of the letters Bill had sent her before.

The next day, things seemed to improve. Angelina got the approval to start Quidditch practices again, Hedwig was in the care of Professor Grubbly-Plank, and apparently Harry had talked to Sirius about the Defense group, and he agreed that it was a good idea.

It wasn't long after dinner when Isabelle was finishing up taking care of the frogs from Flitwick's lesson on the silencing charm that George showed up again alone.

"Hey, George. Shouldn't you be getting ready for Quidditch practice?" Isabelle asked, setting down the last frog.

"It's not until seven, I've got time. Why are you holding frogs?" George asked.

"Silencio lessons." Isabelle shrugged, closing the container.

"I love that charm." George smirked, and Isabelle shook her head.

"I don't want to know why. I'm about to go home, what do you need?" Isabelle said.

"I told Lee how I feel." George said, and a light blush appeared on his cheeks.

"That's wonderful! How did it go?" Isabelle smiled excitedly, making her way towards him and away from the frogs.

"Well... really well, actually. We don't really have a label for it but we're basically together now." George smiled.

"George, that's amazing!" Isabelle said, pulling him into a tight hug. "I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks, Iz. We're still worried about telling people, though. I have no idea how I'm going to tell Mum and Dad." George said when she pulled away from him.

"Take your time and tell them when you're ready. I'm sure they'll support you unconditionally." Isabelle said. "Now get out of here, Angelina will probably kill you if you're late to practice."


Finally, Wednesday arrived, and it was the day of the Defense meeting. Harry mentioned to Isabelle that he had a late night visit from Dobby the house elf, who had also suggested the Room of Requirement, and after much convincing, it was agreed to be the meeting place.

By eight o'clock that night, all of the students who had been at the Hog's Head on Saturday were sat in the Room of Requirement, as well as Isabelle, anxiously waiting for Harry to begin.

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