Two: Soap & Bubbles

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Bill Weasley.

And oh my god was he as gorgeous as ever.

Isabelle silently scolded herself for her thoughts. She would make it clear to everyone, including herself, that she did NOT fancy Bill. Percy was like a brother to her, and as far as she was concerned, so was Bill.

"Isabelle," Bill nodded politely, identical to how his father did earlier. "It's nice to see you again. Mum mentioned that you would be spending Christmas with us."

"Y-yeah." Isabelle took a slight breath. "My brothers couldn't make it home from university for the holidays so Mum and Dad decided to visit them instead. I didn't want to spend my last Christmas break in another country."

"Well, we're happy you're here. It's nice to have another woman in the house, you know. I am overrun by boys," Molly chuckled wholeheartedly, wrapping an arm around Isabelle's shoulders and pulling her into her side.

"I feel for Ginny. Having two brothers is enough for me, I could not imagine six," Isabelle smiled at the motherly affection.

Molly nodded in understanding. "And it's too quiet in the house, especially with Ron and Ginny staying at Hogwarts and Charlie in Romania."

"We can change that," Fred and George said in unison, causing a small laugh from Isabelle and a warning glare from their mother.

"We were going to let you stay in Ginny's room, but she left it a bit of a mess because she waited until the last minute to pack for school. Instead, you'll have to stay in Charlie's old room. I hope you don't mind," Molly said with an apologetic smile.

"That's fine with me. I'm just grateful to be spending time with your family," Isabelle said sincerely.

Molly smiled brightly and wrapped her in another bone-crushing hug for a moment before leaving to prepare dinner in the kitchen.

"I'll take your trunk up for you," Bill said once she was gone.

"Oh no, that's okay. I can get it, you don't have to." Isabelle picked up her trunk from the floor.

"Nonsense. You're our guest, and I want to," he said with a charming smile, levitating her trunk with his wand.

"You could help us too!" Fred said as George picked up his heavy trunk with a grunt. Both were equally frustrated that they couldn't just use magic like their older brothers because they were still underage.

Bill shot them a look before disappearing up the stairs once more.

"What my dear brother William failed to mention," Percy said, levitating his own trunk and starting up the stairs himself. "Is that his room is on the same floor next to Charlie's." He left the girl now blushing deeply at the bottom of the stairs with a smirk.


The Weasley's dinner table looked oddly empty without the youngest redheads, Charlie, and even Harry, which helped Isabelle feel less guilty about her presence. Isabelle somehow managed to end up sitting between the twins while Percy, Arthur, and Bill sat across from her as Molly served them soup with meat and vegetables. It was warm and hearty, and to Isabelle, it tasted like home. It had been her favorite since her first overnight visit the summer after her second year. It was the same day that Molly and Arthur asked her to stop calling them Mr. and Mrs. Weasley and to call them by their first names. Isabelle had never felt so welcome somewhere in her life.

"How is your family doing, Izzy?" Arthur asked as Molly took her seat.

"They're good. Mum and Dad are both considering retiring soon and moving to a quieter town. They're starting to grow tired of busy London," Isabelle said, blowing on her soup gently before taking a bite.

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