Twenty Nine: Another Year

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The following morning, Isabelle was up and nearly ready for her first day back to work early. Her fiancé, however, was definitely not.

"Bill," Isabelle said as she sat on the edge of the bed and ran her hand through his hair gently. "I let you sleep long enough, you have work, too."

Bill just responded with a groan and rolled over. "No thanks."

Isabelle huffed and stood up, grabbing the pillow from beside him. She looked at him for a few seconds, giving him one last chance, before starting to smack him repeatedly with the pillow.

"Hey, stop it!" Bill shouted, shielding his face with his arms.

"I gave you a chance and I tried to be nice, now get up," Isabelle said, not stopping her assault-by-pillow.

Suddenly, Bill reached up and grabbed her wrists tightly. In one swift motion he took the pillow from her, pulled her down onto the bed, and moved so he was on top of her with a cheeky grin. He crashed his lips into hers and gripped her waist while her hands found their way into his hair.

After a minute or so his rough kisses moved from her lips to her neck. His hand ran up her thigh, underneath the skirt of her dress that she had chosen to wear for the first day back at Hogwarts.

Isabelle giggled as she pushed him away gently. "We don't have time for this, love."

Bill groaned dramatically but let her go. She got up off of the bed quickly and stood in front of the mirror, trying to smooth the new wrinkles in her dress and fix her hair. Between how she was dressed and the bag that she would be taking with her that contained writing supplies and all of the parchment she had been working on over the summer, she looked just like one of those young muggle school teachers that all of the younger boys had a crush on.

Isabelle heard a whistle behind her and turned back around. He was now sitting up and watching her from their bed, a small smirk resting on his face.

"Damn," Bill said, shaking his head with a smile.


"I'm glad I'm not at Hogwarts anymore. If I were a seventh year and my professor looked like that I wouldn't learn a single thing," Bill said.

Isabelle rolled her eyes playfully and returned in front of him, and he instantly put his hands on her hips.

"If you were one of my students, this would probably be a bit awkward," Isabelle said and brought him into a deep kiss.

She pulled away almost as quickly as she started, a soft, innocent smile on her face. "If you aren't dressed and downstairs in ten minutes, I'm coming home tonight and going straight to bed."

Bill narrowed his eyes at her for a moment. "Not even a little kiss goodnight?"

Isabelle shook her head. "Nope. Nothing at all."

With that, Isabelle left the bedroom with a small smirk, hearing the bed creak signifying that he was quickly out of bed as soon as she left.

Bill always knew to take her threats seriously, and this time was no exception. She had given him ten minutes to be downstairs to see her off, and he arrived within five.

"Do you really have to go?" Bill said, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her close as they stood near the fireplace in the living room.

"I'm coming home tonight, it's not like I'm staying and won't see you for weeks. You're lucky I chose not to take the train," Isabelle said.

"I know," Bill said before kissing her softly. "I love you."

"I love you, too," Isabelle smiled before moving away from him and stepping into the fireplace. With a handful of floo powder and one final wave, she was off to Hogwarts.

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