Twenty Two: Firewhisky Fun

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"I can't believe it'll be a year already since you and my Bill got together."

Molly and Isabelle were sitting at the kitchen table drinking tea the afternoon before New Years Eve while the boys were doing something outside with Arthur. Isabelle offered to help them with whatever it was, but Molly asked her to stay in with her, claiming she hardly ever got to talk to her without one of the boys around.

"I know, it's pretty unbelievable," Isabelle smiled, taking a sip of her tea. "The first of many I hope."

"There's definitely no need to worry about that, dear. I've never seen Bill this in love with anyone or anything," Molly said, resting her hand on top of Isabelle's reassuringly.

Isabelle blushed at the woman's words. She felt the same way about Bill, and it hurt to think that the week was nearly over already and she would have to spend another six months at Hogwarts. They had been through this once before exactly a year ago, but this time was significantly worse.

"I love him, Molly, I really do. I hate having to leave him for so long, and I know he hates it, too," Isabelle said.

"I know, but you both also love your jobs, which isn't something most people can say. It'll be easier when you can share a home, I promise," Molly said with a soft smile.

Isabelle nodded and turned her attention back to her tea for a few minutes.

"When was the last time you and Arthur went out? Like, on a date?" Isabelle asked.

Molly was quiet for a moment before shrugging. "Oh, I don't know. Last spring maybe?"

"Last spring?" Isabelle said in disbelief. "That long ago?"

Molly shrugged again. "When you have children and Arthur working a lot, it doesn't really come up."

"That doesn't mean you can't have a night or two just to yourselves," Isabelle said. "Tomorrow's New Years Eve, why don't the two of you have the night out?" She suggested.

"Oh, I don't know..." Molly said with a small laugh.

"Charlie, Percy!" Isabelle called as the boys were returning to the house. "Don't you think your parents should take tomorrow to have a night out?"

"Don't drag us into this," Percy said, walking straight out of the kitchen, shaking his head.

"Sorry, Iz. That's your battle," Charlie winked as he followed his brother.

Isabelle narrowed her eyes at them before seeing Bill come in a moment later.

"Bill, come here," Isabelle said, waving him over. Bill raised an eyebrow and joined them, sitting in the chair next to Isabelle.

"What's going on?" Bill asked.

"Don't you think your exhausted mother and overworked father should go out tomorrow night and spend time together, just the two of them?" Isabelle asked.

Bill looked back and forth between the two women that meant the most to him, and let out a small sigh. "She's right, Mum. You spend so much time worrying about everyone else, you should take some time for yourself too. And I'm sure Dad will enjoy it, too."

"I guess you're right," Molly smiled. "I'll run it by your father later."

"It'll be fun. And if it's the boys you're worried about, they're all technically adults and I'll be here," Isabelle said.

Bill scoffed lightly. "You're no better."

Isabelle sent him a quick wink, causing Molly to let out a chuckle.

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