Note from the Author

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*Note* A preview (the first 5 chapters) with bonus content of the rewritten version of this story is now published as a new book on my profile!


Okay so there's a lot of things to say here, sorry.

Thank you so much for deciding to give my story a chance. I haven't written a fanfic in such a long time, so I thought I would give it a shot.

Plus, thanks to tiktok, I've realized my full love for all of the Weasleys and that there aren't nearly enough Bill fics out there. (If you have any good suggestions, please comment!)

I just wanted to start by apologizing for a few things:

1. I'm one of those writers who can't stick to a schedule, but if I don't publish parts as I do them, I'll probably never publish anything. However, if this story gets lots of love, I'll be sure to make it a priority.

2. You can probably already tell that I'm american lol. I'm going to try my best to make the dialogue not terrible but we'll see how it goes.

3. It has been so long since I've read the books. I'm doing my best to keep it somewhat accurate with details but I'm not the best with remembering exact dialogue like a lot of other fics. Go easy on me lol.

Also, I don't own anything other than my own OCs. All rights go to she-who-must-not-be-named (iykyk)

Finally, I just want to let everyone know that this book does contain mature content much more frequently than I planned when I first started writing. If that makes anyone uncomfortable, there are warnings before every chapter.

Thanks again and I hope you guys enjoy it!


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