Fifty Six: Another Surprise

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The next week flew by, making it a total of three weeks since Bill and Isabelle, as well as Harry and Hermione, returned to the Burrow to spend the rest of their summer with the Weasley family.

The morning after Harry's arrival, Hermione and Ron were quick to wake him up so they could talk to their best friend for the first time that summer. Later, they got their O.W.L. results, and Isabelle couldn't help but feel proud of all three of them. Harry and Ron passed all of theirs besides History of Magic and Divination, which she didn't blame them for, and Hermione got all Os in everything besides the one E she got in Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Harry's sixteenth birthday passed that Wednesday, and of course they found a way to celebrate. Molly made a feast for dinner while Bill and Hermione made a surprisingly lovely cake. The rest of the family kept him outside for a majority of the day to play Quidditch in the yard, and even Fred and George came over to join them in their games. That night when they were all giving Harry their gifts, Isabelle had just finished working on his scarf and was able to give it to him, and she would never forget the smile on his face when he saw it.

The next day, Thursday, the booklists arrived and Molly decided that the group would all take a trip to Diagon Alley to get them during the weekend because Arthur should be off of work, as she didn't want to go without him while people were suddenly going missing.

When Saturday finally arrived, the family was up early to eat breakfast, as a car would be coming soon to pick them up and take them to Diagon Alley. Bill and Isabelle decided to stay back for the morning and later meet them at Fred and George's shop in the afternoon.

As they were sitting at the table, Bill set down a bag full of coins in front of Harry.

"Where's mine?" Ron said immediately, looking at his oldest brother.

"That's already Harry's, idiot," Bill said. "I got it out of the vault for you, Harry, because it's taking about five hours for the public to get their gold at the moment, the goblins have tightened security so much. Two days ago, Arkie Philpott had a probity probe stuck up his... well, trust me, this way's easier."

"Thanks, Bill," Harry said, taking the bag happily.

When it was time for them to be off, the family piled into the car that would be driving them to London while Bill and Isabelle stood on the front steps, waving to them as they drove away. Once the car was out of sight, Bill turned to Isabelle and placed his hands on her hips.

"It would be a shame to let an empty house go to waste," Bill said with a small smirk.

"Actually, there was something I wanted to tell you," Isabelle said.

"What is it?" Bill asked, his face falling a bit into a look of worry.

"My period is a few days late," she said softly.

Bill looked at her for a long moment. "Do you think you could be-?"

"Maybe," she said. "But we know that sometimes it's just irregular, especially now that I've stopped taking my birth control."

"Do you want to go take a test?" he asked, a smile beginning to return to his face.

Isabelle nodded. "I know it's probably a bit too early, but this could be the only day your whole family isn't around."

"Good point," he said. "Come on."

Bill took her hand and led her back into the house, then up the stairs towards their bedroom.

"Love, I don't have any here," she said, but Bill didn't stop until they were in their room. He let go of her hand to reach into his trunk and pull out the small, familiar box, and hand it to her. She looked at him with a bit of confusion, as she was sure those weren't in there when she finished packing for him.

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