Thirty Five: Aphrodisiac

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*Mature Content Warning*

November flew by quicker than October did, and the month was nearing it's end. Nothing much really happened, surprisingly, aside from Hagrid's return to Hogwarts. They ended up having a few Order meetings to discuss where he had gone and what happened, and about any progress or information he had about the giants. There were also a few more D.A. meetings, and the students were getting spells down faster than she had ever seen in a class.

It was the morning of the last Saturday of the month when Isabelle found Bill still fast asleep in their bedroom. Isabelle giggled to herself softly as she made her way over to him quietly, and carefully moved onto the bed so she was straddling his hips. She leaned down slowly and pressed a soft kiss to his lips, and it only took a second for her to feel him kiss back.

"Good morning, darling." Bill said with a wide smile when she pulled away, his morning voice just as deep as always.

"Good morning." Isabelle grinned and left another soft kiss on his cheek.

"I wouldn't mind waking up every morning if it was like this." Bill said and ran his hands along her thighs.

"You wish." Isabelle laughed lightly.

"What's the occasion, then?" Bill asked with a cheeky smile resting on his face.

Isabelle rolled her eyes. "Happy birthday."

"Ugh, don't remind me." Bill groaned but the smile never faded.

"What's so bad about your birthday?" Isabelle asked with another laugh.

"It just means I'm getting old." Bill said.

"I don't think twenty five would be considered old. Though this grey hair might say otherwise..." Isabelle said.

"What?" Bill's face fell and he sat up quickly, nearly knocking Isabelle over.

"I'm kidding, love." Isabelle giggled, taking his face into her hands. "You're just as orange as ever."

Bill chuckled and his hands found their way to grip the back of her thighs, pulling her close enough for their chests to be touching. He brought her into another, deeper kiss and squeezed her thighs. Isabelle's hands reached into his hair and he pulled away from the kiss just to move on to her neck.

Isabelle let out a soft sigh before pushing him away reluctantly. "Bill, we can't."

"Why not?" Bill mumbled and kissed her jaw softly.

"Because breakfast is going to get cold."

"You made breakfast?" Bill questioned, pulling away with a raised eyebrow.

"Sort of. I helped your mum make breakfast." Isabelle admitted. "And I have a surprise for you downstairs."


Isabelle nodded and got up off of the bed, and Bill followed. She waited while he quickly got dressed, and Isabelle took his hand and practically dragged him out of the room and downstairs to the kitchen while he chuckled behind her.

When they reached the kitchen, the table was covered in plates of hot food and surrounded by one more red-head than usual.

"Charlie?" Bill said.

"We thought you were never going to wake up." Charlie said with a playful smirk, rising from his seat at the table to wrap his older brother into a hug.

"What are you doing here?" Bill asked when the two pulled away.

"Iz wrote to me and convinced me to come visit, since it's your birthday. Congrats on the engagement, by the way." Charlie said and returned to his seat at the table.

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