Seventy Nine: The Wedding Night

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After the dance was over, everyone cheered and it was time for the rest of their guests to join on the dance floor. Everyone seemed to be having a good time, other than maybe Aunt Muriel, who seemed to only find joy in making somewhat rude comments about what other people were wearing and George dancing with Lee.

It was sometime later before the next slow song played, and Bill left their conversation with his distant cousins to find Isabelle's mother, pulling her onto the dance floor despite her protests. Isabelle watched in amusement, knowing how much her mother didn't like dancing in front of others, or being the center of attention at all.

"I think I ought to get a dance with my daughter-in-law," Arthur said with a smile and a hand held out to Isabelle.

Isabelle took his hand happily and he led her close to where Bill was with Mary, letting her rest one hand on his shoulder while the other was in his as they slowly danced to the soft music.

"Bill says that you and Molly used to dance all the time," Isabelle said.

"We still do, sometimes, when we're the only ones home," Arthur said.

"I hope that Bill and I will be like you two when we're your age," Isabelle said.

Arthur shook his head. "No, I work entirely too much and I leave her to worry. I think Bill will be a much better husband than me."

"Don't say that, you're wonderful," Isabelle said.

"I would be more than proud if Bill is better, that means Molly and I raised him well, just as I'm sure you two will with yours," Arthur said.

Isabelle was quiet for a moment. "How did you feel when you found out Molly was pregnant the first time?"

Arthur seemed to take a second to think about his answer. "I was a bit terrified, honestly, with the war going on, but overjoyed nonetheless," he said. "If you're worried about how Bill's feeling, you should know that I've never seen him so genuinely happy in a long time."

After the dance was over, several more followed in the few hours that passed. Bill danced some with Molly and Ginny, as well as Fleur and Hermione, though theirs were more playful. Charlie and Penelope had a dance as well, since they were the best man and maid of honor. What surprised them the most, though, was seeing Fleur dancing with her brother, Daniel, and neither of them seemed the least bit uncomfortable.

Isabelle took a turn dancing with her father and brothers, and then eventually got through shorter ones with each of Bill's and Lee, and even a brief, joking dance with Sirius, her last being with Charlie. After she thought she was through with dancing, since she knew Harry wasn't a fan and didn't even look like himself, she decided to try to get away from the crowd for a moment.

Of course, Bill noticed that she had left the dance floor and immediately found her in a corner.

"Are you okay?" he asked a little worriedly.

Isabelle nodded with a smile. "I'm fine."

"Do you want to take a little break from all of this?" he asked.

Isabelle nodded again. "Please."

Bill smiled and took her hand, leading her out of the tent when they thought no one was looking, into the dark yard that was just lit up with lights coming from the tent and the stars overhead. Once they were a bit away from the tent, Isabelle turned to him and pulled him into a hug, wrapping her arms around his middle.

Bill wrapped his own arms around her and held her close gently, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead.

"I know it was starting to get a little overwhelming," Bill said softly.

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