Seven: Hogsmeade

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Just as Oliver had promised, they spent a lot of their time in the Quidditch supply shop during their last trip to Hogsmeade. Luckily Oliver had taken Isabelle's suggestion to go there first to get it out of the way.

While they were there, Isabelle decided to buy a small bottle of broom polish, mostly so she didn't seem too uninterested in being there for so long. She mostly followed Oliver up and down the aisles multiple times while he talked about each product to her absentmindedly. He actually started to remind her of Fred and George when she would accompany them to Zonkos.

"Look at these gloves," Oliver said, bending down a little to look at a pair of shiny brown Quidditch gloves on a shelf. "You might want some new gloves, Iz. Yours are a bit worn, and you know you're the first person Slytherin's going to try to knock off their broom."

"Actually, I already got a pair for Christmas from Charlie," Isabelle said.

"Charlie... Weasley? When did you see him?" Oliver raised an eyebrow.

"I spent the break with Percy and his family. Charlie visited for a couple of days." Isabelle shrugged.

"Wow, Charlie Weasley. Haven't seen him in ages." Oliver shook his head with a nostalgic smile. "One of the best damn Seekers Hogwarts has ever seen, in my opinion. Other than Harry, of course."

"He chases around dragons instead of Snitches now. But I agree, I miss being on the team with him." Isabelle said. There was a comfortable silence for a moment. "You think Slytherin will go after me first?"

Oliver nodded. "Aside from Harry, yeah. You're an amazing Chaser, Angelina learns a lot from you."


"Yeah. You're brilliant." Oliver said, a slight blush flooding his cheeks.

Isabelle smiled and blushed some herself. It meant a lot to her that Oliver thought she was good. Not only was he her captain, but was the most dedicated person to the game she had ever seen. If he said she was good, he really meant it.

The pair spent a little while longer in the shop before Isabelle was practically begging Oliver to just pick something to buy. He settled for the gloves he spotted earlier, mostly because he was starting to sense her irritation.

They also visited a tea shop and book shop upon Isabelle's request. She bought a few types of tea that she liked as well as a few that her parents loved that couldn't be found at muggle shops. She got a few books too and even picked one out for Oliver.

Later in the afternoon, they decided to end the day at The Three Broomsticks for some butterbeer.

As they walked into the pub, Isabelle was relieved to feel the warmth of the building surround her after spending so much time walking outside in the snow. Isabelle found a small table for the two to sit at while Oliver went to the bar to order their butterbeer. Isabelle took off her coat and hung it carefully on the back of her chair before sitting down moments before Oliver returned, butterbeer in hand.

For a while, they talked about anything they could think of to avoid any awkward silence, from their Christmas breaks to exams and even more Quidditch. They sat there in conversation and enjoying their butterbeer for around an hour before Isabelle caught sight of two familiar redheads entering the pub. The usual smirks that rested on their faces grew brighter when they saw her and Oliver in the back of the room.

The twins, along with Lee Jordan who had walked in seconds behind them, made their way over to the table and pulled over empty chairs from surrounding tables. Oliver was groaning internally, but Isabelle never noticed his slight change in mood. Fred and George sat on either end of the small table while Lee placed himself next to Isabelle.

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