Fifty Eight: The Woes of Bill Weasley

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*TW: mentions of abuse*

Isabelle was impressed that following morning with how well the curtains at the hotel kept out the bright sunlight of the early day, as she didn't wake up until late in the morning when she moved a bit, half asleep, and realized she was no longer cuddled with Bill.

"Bill?" Isabelle said, opening her eyes and sitting up to look around the room.

Bill suddenly came through the bedroom door, wearing nothing but sweatpants that must have been packed in the trunk from before, with a smile on his face and a tray in his hands.

"Good morning, love," Bill said, setting the tray down on the table next to the bed, which she realized held plates of food. "I got us breakfast."

"Thank you," Isabelle smiled as he sat down in front of her.

Bill reached over and tucked her hair behind her ear out of her face before cupping her cheek with his hand, running his thumb over her cheekbone gently.

"You slept for most of the morning. After last night, are you feeling okay?" Bill asked.

Isabelle nodded. "I'm fine, you're just incredible."

Bill just shrugged modestly, making Isabelle giggle softly.

"You did really well last night. It was wonderful," Isabelle said.

"You know, you're the only woman I've been with where I have to put in effort to have some control in bed," Bill said.

"I thought you liked it, though," Isabelle said.

"I do. Having you boss me around, tying me up, telling me what to do... it's pretty sexy," Bill said, making her laugh again.

"Well, I really liked it last night, so I think I should let you do that more often," Isabelle said.

Bill's smile turned into a grin and kissed her softly, pulling away after a few moments. He glanced down and noticed her exposed, bare chest, and she blushed deeply as she pulled up the blanket to cover herself.

"Darling, I've seen every inch of you more than once, you don't have to hide yourself from me," Bill said with a small chuckle.

"But you know how I feel sometimes," Isabelle said quietly.

Bill nodded. "I know, I understand," he said, placing a soft kiss on her cheek. "But I will always think that you are perfect, Isabelle."

Isabelle was quiet for a few seconds, a small smile appearing on her face. "I love you."

"I love you, too. More than anything," Bill said, moving away from her. "Stay right there."

Bill got up and left the room again, returning with one of his t-shirts in his hand. He helped her put it on, moving the blanket, and she smiled gratefully. He then picked the tray back up and set it down on the bed in front of her as he joined next to her, and they spent the next long bit of time enjoying their breakfast.

After finishing up their breakfast, Isabelle managed to convince him to stay in bed for just a little longer, claiming that she didn't get an adequate amount of cuddles from him yet because he was already up when she woke up.

"How would you feel about going to meet some of my old work friends later?" Bill asked her after a while, still holding her close in his arms.

"You want me to meet your friends?" Isabelle asked, looking up at him.

"Of course. I think they ought to meet the woman that they got tired of hearing me talk about all the time," Bill said.

"That would be wonderful. Later," she said, cuddling closer to him and pressing a soft kiss to his chest.

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