Twenty Eight: Boggart Battles

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"Your mum is going to be furious."

Bill looked up at his fiancée from where he was sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast before work as she sat down with her own plate of food in front of him.

"About what?" He asked, confused.

"Because we didn't tell her right away," Isabelle said.

It had been a few days since they got engaged, and neither of them had seen the rest of the family since that morning. They sent a few owls back and forth just to check in, but decided not to share the news that way.

"I told her I was planning to do it, I just didn't tell her when. I thought we could enjoy a couple of days to ourselves without her fussing. You know she's going to want to start planning right away," Bill said.

They agreed that they wanted to wait some time before they even begin to think about a wedding. Obviously they wanted to be married, but with the increasing Death Eater attacks and a potential war starting, the last thing Isabelle wanted to have to worry about was flower arrangements or wedding dresses.

"Still, I'm sure she would have expected some sort of announcement or mention of it before now," Isabelle said.

"Yeah, that does sound like her," Bill chuckled.

"There's an Order meeting tonight. We'll tell everyone then," Isabelle decided and ate her breakfast.

When it was time for Bill to leave for work, he was quite reluctant to go as the two stood just outside the front door.

"I think I would much rather just stay here with you," Bill said as he pulled her close, planting a quick kiss on her lips that made her giggle.

"I would prefer that, too, but you can't just take off work whenever you feel like it," Isabelle said, smiling softly. "Plus, I have to work on some lesson plans for Professor Flitwick and you'll just distract me."

"Don't lie, you like my distractions," Bill said with a smirk, making Isabelle roll her eyes playfully.

She reached up and straightened his shirt collar before kissing him softly. "I'll see you later."

Bill huffed dramatically before pulling away from her after one final peck on her cheek. With that, he apparated away, leaving her alone.


When Bill returned home that afternoon, Isabelle was still sitting at the kitchen table working on lesson plans for the beginning of the school year and was just finishing up the last one. She heard the front door open and felt his arms wrap around her shoulders moments later, bringing a wide smile to her face as he buried his in the crook of her neck.

"Tough day?" Isabelle asked, not looking up from the parchment in front of her.

"It's like the goblins intentionally give me the most work out of anyone," Bill said, his voice muffled by her skin and hair.

"You're so dramatic," Isabelle chuckled softly.

"I picked it up from you," Bill said, and he reached over to take the quill she was writing with out of her hand and set it down on the table. "Enough work, I want to cuddle."

When Isabelle first met Bill, she had no idea he would be so touchy and loving all the time once they started dating. It's not something you would think when you first looked at him, with his ripped jeans and fanged earring and his effortlessly handsome face. When Isabelle found out that he was really just a softy whose favorite way to spend time with her was just being able to hold her, she was pleasantly surprised and hardly ever turned down the offer unless she had to.

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