Sixteen: A Proper Date

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*Mature Content Warning*

Isabelle didn't realize how late she had slept in until she heard a loud knock on her door. She got out of bed quickly and spent a moment trying to make herself look presentable before opening the door.

"Good morning, Isabelle. I just wanted to let you know that I will be out of my office today but I'm leaving my office unlocked for you to use the floo network like you asked. Just be sure to lock the door before you go to keep out wandering students,"Professor Flitwick smiled up at her before making his way down the hall.

"Thanks, Professor!" Isabelle called after him before shutting her door.

Isabelle realized it was nearly eleven and began to panic. Luckily, she had a small bathroom that connected to her room so she didn't have to share with students, and she showered quickly. She got dressed in something nice but casual, knowing Bill probably didn't expect her to be fancy at all and grabbed her things before heading to Flitwick's office.

Isabelle locked the door behind her and took a handful of floo powder, stepping into the large fireplace. "The Burrow," Isabelle said clearly and the green flames shot up around her.


"She probably just got a little caught up at Hogwarts, dear," Isabelle heard Molly's soft voice from the kitchen as she stepped out of the fireplace.

Isabelle made her way towards the voices into the kitchen, where she found Molly sitting at the table while Bill leaned against the counter looking out the window, his back to her. Molly looked up and saw Isabelle first and her face brightened.

"See, here she is," Molly smiled.

Bill turned around quickly and his face stretched into a wide grin when he saw her. Isabelle hardly had time to get out a "hello" before she was wrapped into a tight hug by Bill, being lifted up off of her feet slightly.

Isabelle giggled and wrapped her arms around his shoulders until he put her back down after a few moments.

"Miss me?" Isabelle grinned, moving her hands to cup his face gently.

"You have no idea," Bill said, his smile softening as he looked at her.

"We'll be off now, we should be back in a few hours. I'm not sure when Percy's meant to be home," she heard Molly say and noticed Arthur was now standing in the doorway near his wife.

"Where are you going?" Bill asked.

"Your father and I are just going to run a few errands. I need some more yarn, Christmas is coming up," Molly beamed, taking her husband's hand in hers. The two made their way out of the house and they heard the sound of disapparation.

"Soooo," Bill smiled cheekily and his hands returned to her hips. "Empty house all to ourselves. It would be a shame to let it go to waste."

"Bill Weasley you did not invite me here just for sex," Isabelle raised her eyebrows.

Bill chuckled lightly. "Of course not, love. I was actually thinking we could maybe go for a picnic." He gestured to the packed basket that Isabelle just noticed was sitting on the table.

"Ooo, sounds romantic," Isabelle smiled.

Bill pulled his wand from his pocket and held out his other hand towards her. "Shall we?"

Isabelle picked up the basket from the table that was surprisingly heavy and took his hand in hers. With a quick nod, they too disapparated from the house.

When they reappeared, Isabelle felt the ground that was once solid now soft sand under her shoes. The sun was shining brightly through thin clouds and while it wasn't particularly warm, the temperature was quite pleasant despite it now being November. The salty wind blew lightly through their hair and along their skin. The long beach was completely secluded, with no buildings or other people in sight.

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